Duck Laoyou, a renowned brand in the realm of salted duck eggs, is currently offering a fantastic deal on their 50g*10 pack of salted duck eggs on Tmall. Known for their large yolks and soft, fluffy texture, these eggs are a treat for the senses and are now available at an unbeatable price of just 11.77 yuan for 10 eggs.
The Delightful Details
The standard price for Duck Laoyou’s 50g*10 pack of salted duck eggs on Tmall is 13.9 yuan. However, with a 2 yuan coupon and a 0.13 yuan deduction through Tmall’s points system, customers can snag this delicious deal for 11.77 yuan. This special offer includes a bad order package return service, ensuring customer satisfaction.
The eggs are made from fresh duck eggs, salt, and water, and are quickly soaked in a brine for 24 hours. Each egg is carefully selected, promising a product that is as visually appealing as it is tasty. The yolks are large and rich, oozing with a fresh, savory flavor that can rival that of crab roe. The texture is smooth and sandy, with a delicate, almost creamy mouthfeel that lingers on the palate.
Brand and Shelf Life
Duck Laoyou’s salted duck eggs are produced by Henan Tongxiu Rende Food Co., Ltd., a company with a reputation for high-quality products. The eggs have a shelf life of 300 days, ensuring that customers can enjoy them for a considerable period.
How to Purchase
To take advantage of this incredible offer, customers simply need to visit Tmall’s Taobao Factory Food and Fresh Produce Special Sale Venue. There, they can find the 50g*10 pack of Duck Laoyou salted duck eggs at the discounted price of 11.77 yuan after the 2 yuan coupon is applied.
Additional Savings
For those looking to maximize their savings, downloading the Zui Hui Mai app is a great idea. This app offers high rebates and allows users to cash out even with as little as 0.10 yuan. The app automatically identifies the platform, making it easy to download the latest version.
A Word of Caution
It’s important to note that the links, QR codes, and passwords included in this article are for informational purposes only and are intended to save time in the selection process. The results are for reference only, and IT Home assumes no responsibility for the content.
The Perfect Gift
Duck Laoyou’s salted duck eggs are not only a delicious treat for the palate but also make for a perfect gift for friends and family. With their unique flavor and texture, these eggs are sure to delight even the most discerning palates.
So, if you’re looking for a tasty, budget-friendly snack or a thoughtful gift, look no further than Duck Laoyou’s salted duck eggs. With their large yolks, soft texture, and affordable price, these eggs are a must-try delight!
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