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Forced Inclusion Mechanisms and Censorship Resistance in Blockchain Technology
The ongoing development of blockchain technology, particularly in the Ethereum ecosystem, is marked by a relentless pursuit of censorship resistance. This is a core value for cryptocurrencies, ensuring that transactions are not arbitrarily excluded based on non-economic factors. This article delves into the concept of the Hand-off Problem and the practical limitations of forced inclusion mechanisms designed to counteract censorship.
Defining Censorship:
Censorship, in the context of blockchain, is the intentional prevention of transactions from appearing in the canonical ordering. Fairness in this context is determined by economic outcomes, with censorship occurring when transactions are excluded based on factors other than their economic impact.
Forced Inclusion Mechanisms:
To address the issue of potential censorship, modern rollups like Optimism and Arbitrum have implemented forced inclusion mechanisms. These mechanisms ensure that a user’s transaction will be executed by the rollup after a certain time delay, regardless of the sequencer’s actions. This theoretically gives users the same resistance to censorship as other Ethereum transactions.
EIP-7547 and Inclusion Lists:
Ethereum is also exploring forced inclusion mechanisms through EIP-7547, which proposes inclusion lists that allow block proposers to specify the contents of the next block. This could mitigate censorship by reducing the incentives for block proposers to exclude transactions.
The Role of Forced Inclusion in Valid Orderings:
Forced inclusion mechanisms impose new constraints on valid orderings, making certain types of orderings invalid under protocol rules. They essentially allow users to specify a subset of the future ordering that all valid orderings must include.
Expanding the Model of Censorship:
While forced inclusion mechanisms are a step towards censorship resistance, they are not without limitations. The article points out that transaction confirmation is a means, not the end, of achieving censorship resistance.
The hand-off problem and the implementation of forced inclusion mechanisms are critical components in the ongoing quest for censorship resistance in blockchain technology. As the industry continues to evolve, it is essential to balance the need for security with the potential limitations of these mechanisms.
Additional Information:
- The authors of the research note are from init4, a research collective focusing on next-generation Ethereum tools.
- The research note is not a disclosure document but serves as an exploration of nuances and gaps in the security models of blockchain systems.
- The article emphasizes that forced inclusion mechanisms are not vulnerabilities but rather a means to enhance security in the blockchain ecosystem.
Note for the Editor:
This article should be fact-checked for technical accuracy, especially in regards to blockchain protocols and their mechanisms. It is also recommended to include quotes from experts in the field to provide additional context and analysis.
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