In a gripping blend of suspense, crime, and drama, the highly anticipated Chinese television series ‘Snow Maze’ is set to premiere in September 2024. Directed by吕行 (Lü Xing), the show promises to deliver an intense narrative of law enforcement officers tackling the burgeoning drug crisis in the 1990s, a time when China’s anti-drug agencies were still in their infancy.

Plot and Themes

Set against the backdrop of Harlan City in Northeast China, ‘Snow Maze’ follows a group of elite officers who are hastily assembled to combat the sudden surge in drug-related crimes. These officers, each with their unique skills, are thrust into a world where they must navigate through the complexities of drug trafficking networks, cunning transportation methods, and the moral dilemmas of justice versus humanity. The series is a portrayal of their trials, tribulations, and the ultimate sacrifices they make in their quest to eradicate evil.

Cast and Characters

The star-studded cast includes 黄景瑜 (Huang Jingyu) as Zheng Bei, a young and determined police officer, and 章宇 (Zhang Yu) as Jiang Xiaohai, a seasoned and resourceful detective. Supporting characters include王子奇 (Wang Ziqi),谢可寅 (Xie Keyin), 林博洋 (Lin Boyang), and others, each bringing their own depth and nuance to the narrative.

Production and Behind-the-Scenes

Lü Xing, known for his previous works such as ‘Unlicensed’ and ‘The Daughter Who Came Back,’ has crafted a compelling script in collaboration with screenwriter 张鸢盎 (Zhang Yuan’an) and consultant 麦利雅斯 (Mailiyasi). The series has also garnered attention for its supervision by renowned director 张艺谋 (Zhang Yimou), who has praised Huang Jingyu’s military and police image, adding a layer of prestige to the production.

The production team has meticulously crafted the visual and auditory elements of ‘Snow Maze,’ with the aim of immersing viewers in the intense atmosphere of the 1990s drug crisis. The series’ posters and trailers have generated significant buzz, showcasing the stark contrast between the snowy landscapes of Harlan City and the dark underbelly of the drug world.

Reception and Anticipation

Although ‘Snow Maze’ has not yet premiered, it has already generated a wave of excitement among fans and critics alike. The anticipation is fueled by the strong casting choices, the reputable production team, and the intriguing plot. On Douban, a popular Chinese entertainment platform, the series has garnered over 400,000 reservations, indicating a high level of interest.

Fans have taken to social media to express their excitement, with many looking forward to the reunion of Huang Jingyu and Zhang Yu, who previously starred together in the acclaimed film ‘The First Shot.’ The series’ official social media accounts have shared behind-the-scenes footage and promotional materials, further fueling the buzz.


‘Snow Maze’ is poised to become a significant addition to the landscape of Chinese television, offering a gripping narrative of law enforcement against the backdrop of a drug epidemic. With its strong cast, compelling story, and meticulous production, the series is expected to captivate audiences and contribute to the ongoing conversation about drug control and justice in modern society. As the premiere date approaches, anticipation continues to build, and it remains to be seen whether ‘Snow Maze’ will live up to the high expectations set by its creators and fans.

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