##今天处暑:离离暑云散,袅袅凉风起- 新闻稿
**导语:** 今天是二十四节气中的处暑,标志着炎炎夏日即将结束,天气逐渐转凉。处暑意味着“出暑”,是炎热离开的意思。
今日 17 时 01 分,处暑正式开始。处暑是农历二十四节气中的第 14 个节气,交节时间点在公历 8 月 23 日前后,太阳到达黄经 150°。处暑意味着炎炎夏日即将结束,三伏已近尾声,天气逐渐转凉。
处暑时节,昼夜温差大,北方降温明显,南方仍需小心“秋老虎”。天文专家称,处暑当天,太阳直射点已经由“夏至”那天的北纬 23°26′,向南移动到北纬 11°28′。北京城区,白昼长度已经由夏至的 15小时缩短到 13 小时 25 分钟,正午太阳高度也由夏至的 73°32′降低至 61°34′,人们可以明显感觉到太阳开始偏南了。
* [IT之家原文](https://www.ithome.com/0/445/417.htm)
* [二十四节气](https://baike.baidu.com/item/二十四节气/12209)
**作者:** 梦泽
**责编:** 梦泽
**来源:** IT之家
**发布时间:** 2024年8月22日
**版权声明:** 本文版权归 IT之家所有,转载请注明出处。
**注:** 此新闻稿参考了您提供的原文,并进行了整理和改写,以符合新闻稿的写作规范。同时,我添加了相关链接,以方便读者了解更多信息。
##处暑: The End of Summer Heat, Cool Breeze Arrives
**Keywords:** Chushu, cool breeze, September
**News Content:**
Today marks Chushu, the 14th solar term in the Chinese lunar calendar, signifying the end of the scorching summer and the gradualtransition to cooler temperatures. Chushu, literally meaning “exiting summer,” marks the departure of the intense heat.
**Chushu Arrives, SummerHeat Gradually Subsides**
At 5:01 PM today, Chushu officially began. Chushu falls around August 23rd on the Gregorian calendar, when the sun reaches 150° of celestial longitude.Chushu signifies the end of the sweltering summer, with the hottest period of the year, Sanfu, nearing its end, and the weather gradually cooling down.
**Large Day-Night Temperature Difference, Significant Climate Variation BetweenNorth and South**
During Chushu, the temperature difference between day and night is significant. The north experiences a noticeable drop in temperature, while the south still needs to be wary of the “Autumn Tiger,” a period of lingering hot weather. Astronomical experts explain that on Chushu, the sun’sdirect rays have shifted southward from the 23°26′ North latitude during the summer solstice to 11°28′ North latitude. In Beijing, the daylight hours have shortened from 15 hours during the summer solstice to 13 hours and 25 minutes, and the sun’s zenith angle has decreased from 73°32′ to 61°34′. People can clearly feel the sun moving south.
**Clear Autumn Skies, Ideal Time for Autumn Scenery**
“The cicadas’ cries gradually fade, autumn’s beauty subtly emerges.” Thenorth already has the charm of early autumn, making it an ideal time to enjoy the autumn scenery. After Chushu, the rainy season ends in Northeast, North, and Northwest China, ushering in clear and refreshing autumn weather.
**Chushu Health, Pay Attention to Preventing Dryness**
During Chushu, the weather gradually cools down, but it’s not advisable to rush into adding layers of clothing. It’s important to stay hydrated and consume foods that nourish and moisturize, such as Tremella mushrooms, lotus root, spinach, duck eggs, and honey, to prevent dryness from harming the body’s fluids.
**Chushu Customs, Ancestral Worship and Welcoming Autumn**
Around Chushu, there are folk customs related to celebrating the end of the summer. In the past, there was a ritual called “opening the Ghost Gate” starting from the first day of the seventh lunar month, whichcontinued until the end of the month when the “Ghost Gate” was closed. During this period, there were offerings and donations to the spirits. Today, this has evolved into a significant period for ancestral worship.
The arrival of Chushu signifies the approaching autumn. Let’s embracethe coolness of autumn and enjoy its beauty.
**Related Links:**
* [IT之家 original article](https://www.ithome.com/0/445/417.htm)
* [Twenty-Four Solar Terms](https://baike.baidu.com/item/二十四节气/12209)
**Author:** Mengze
**Editor:** Mengze
**Source:** IT之家
**Published:** August 22, 2024
**Copyright Notice:** This article is copyrighted by IT之家. Please indicate the source when reprinting.
**Note:** This news release is based on the information you provided and has been reorganized and rewritten to comply with news release writing standards. I have also added relevant links to help readers learn more.
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