
美国共和党总统候选人特朗普再次展现其“骚操作”,这次他将目标对准了流行天后泰勒·斯威夫特,利用 AI 技术生成虚假照片,声称霉霉支持其竞选。这一举动引发了粉丝的强烈反弹,并被指责为“造假”和“欺骗”。

特朗普在社交媒体平台 Truth Social 上发布了一张 AI 生成的照片,照片中霉霉身穿印有“泰勒·斯威夫特希望你投票给特朗普”字样的红白蓝三色衣服。他还在帖子中写道:“我接受!”此外,他还发布了多张拼接图,展示年轻女性身着不同款式的“斯威夫特支持特朗普”的 T 恤。其中一张截图声称,在霉霉因安全问题取消维也纳音乐会后,她的粉丝转而支持特朗普。

然而,事实并非如此。这些照片大部分是由 AI 生成的,并非真实。特朗普分享的一张截图源自一个匿名的亲特朗普社交媒体账户,该账户拥有超过 30 万粉丝,并频繁发布由 AI 生成的图片。该账户在发布关于霉霉粉丝支持特朗普的帖子之后,又发布了一个后续帖子,称其内容为“纯属讽刺”。

虽然特朗普分享的图片中,也包含一位真实的支持特朗普的霉霉粉丝,但她的支持并不代表所有粉丝。这位名叫珍娜·皮沃瓦基的女性曾在 6 月份威斯康星州拉辛的特朗普集会上,穿着一件自制的“斯威夫特支持特朗普”的 T 恤,并在 Etsy 上售卖她的自制 T 恤。

值得注意的是,霉霉本人并未就今年美国大选表态支持特定候选人,但在 2020 年曾反对特朗普连任。目前,霉霉暂未对该事件做出回应,但她的粉丝坐不住了,纷纷谴责特朗普,并喊话霉霉“告他”。

特朗普此举被认为是利用 AI 技术进行政治操纵,试图通过虚假信息来影响选民。这种行为不仅损害了霉霉的形象,也引发了公众对 AI 技术被滥用的担忧。



##Trump’s AI-Generated ‘Taylor Swift Endorsement’ Sparks Backlash

**Keywords:** AI photo, fake endorsement, campaign call


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has once again employed a controversial tactic, this time targeting pop icon Taylor Swift. He used AI technology to generate a fake photo claiming Swiftsupports his campaign, sparking outrage among her fans and accusations of “faking” and “deception.”

Trump posted the AI-generated image on his socialmedia platform Truth Social, depicting Swift wearing a red, white, and blue outfit emblazoned with the words “Taylor Swift Wants You to Vote for Trump.” He captioned the post with “I accept!” He also shared multiple composite images showcasingyoung women wearing various “Swift for Trump” T-shirts. One screenshot claimed that Swift’s fans had switched their support to Trump after she canceled her Vienna concert due to security concerns.

However, these claims are far from the truth. Most of the photos were AI-generated, not real. One screenshot shared by Trump originated from an anonymous pro-Trump social media account with over 300,000 followers, known for frequently posting AI-generated images. After posting about Swift’s fans supporting Trump, the account followed up witha post stating that the content was “pure satire.”

While Trump’s shared images did include one real Swift fan who supports him, her support does not represent all her fans. Jenna Piwowarski, a woman who wore a homemade “Swift for Trump” T-shirt at a Trump rally in Racine, Wisconsinin June, sells her homemade T-shirts on Etsy.

It’s noteworthy that Swift herself has not publicly endorsed any candidate in this year’s US election, though she opposed Trump’s re-election in 2020. While Swift has yet to respond to this incident, her fans have voicedtheir disapproval, condemning Trump and urging Swift to “sue him.”

Trump’s actions are seen as a form of political manipulation using AI technology to influence voters through false information. This behavior not only damages Swift’s image but also raises concerns about the misuse of AI technology.

This incident once again exposes Trump’s political strategy of using “outrageous tactics” to grab attention, even resorting to false information to achieve his goals. However, such behavior ultimately only harms his own image and incurs public resentment.


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