苹果宣布,从2024年10月16日起,欧洲App Store的开发者必须在其业务页面提供交易商身份信息,才能提交新的应用或更新,这一措施旨在遵守欧盟的《数字服务法》(DSA)。根据苹果的官方公告,交易商是指任何以贸易、商业、手工业或职业为目的的自然人或法人,包括以他们的名义或代表其行事的人。这一规定的实施将有助于提高App Store的透明度,确保用户能够了解应用背后的开发者信息,同时也将有助于监管机构对App Store进行监管。苹果通过iTunes Connect向开发者发送了提醒邮件,要求他们按照规定提交信息,否则其应用可能会从欧洲App Store中被移除。这一措施将于2025年2月17日前生效,开发者需要提前做好准备。
News Title: “Apple’s New Rule: European App Store to Require Public Disclosure of Reseller Information by February 2024”
Keywords: Apple, Europe, Reseller
News Content: Apple has announced that as of October 16, 2024, developers on the European App Store will be required to disclose the identity of their resellers on their business pages in order to submit new applications or updates. This measure is aimed at complying with the EU’s Digital Services Act (DSA). According to Apple’s official statement, a reseller refers to any natural person or legal entity acting for trade, commerce, handicrafts, or a profession, including anyone acting on their behalf or in their name. The implementation of this rule will help enhance the transparency of the App Store and ensure that users can understand the background of the developers behind the applications, as well as assist regulatory bodies in overseeing the App Store. Apple has sent reminder emails to developers via iTunes Connect, requiring them to submit the required information or risk having their applications removed from the European App Store. This measure will come into effect before February 17, 2025, and developers are advised to prepare in advance.
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