Title: “Centennial Olympic Oddities: A Look at 10 Disappeared Odd Competitions”
Keywords: Olympic, Disappeared, Odd
News Content: Music, painting, and sculpture were also competitive sports. The core rule of the competitions was that the submitted works had to be inspired by sports and must be original. Participants could compete in multiple events, so there were a few athletes who not only participated in sports but also in arts competitions, winning medals in both. However, due to an influx of professional artists, which violated the rules, these competitions were eventually discontinued. In subsequent Olympic Games, art competitions never took off, and sometimes all they did was host art exhibitions. There have even been suggestions to include cinema and photography in the Olympics.
I feel like my selfie skills are finally up to the task of bringing glory to my country. But joking aside, the Olympic program is constantly evolving, either adding new events or trimming some competitions. In fact, I would suggest including Montenegro’s “Lay Down Championship” in the Olympics. The competition is about who can lie down for the longest time. According to reports, the event last year was quite intense, with several competitors lying down for a month without a clear winner. It would be a thrilling competition indeed.
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