在今年的dotJS大会上,谷歌Angular负责人Minko Gechev发表了一场关于JavaScript框架未来的演讲,他提出一个激进的观点:所有JavaScript框架正在走向融合。
此外,Gechev还提到Wiz框架,它被应用于与Angular截然不同的场景,更类似于Astro和Qwik。随着框架要求的融合,Wiz团队在看到Angular中的Signals后也想要在Wiz中引入,而Angular团队则想要Wiz的可恢复性特性。这导致移动版YouTube使用集成了Angular Signals的Wiz框架,在性能上实现了显著提升。
News Title: “Google Angular Head: JavaScript Frameworks Are Heading Towards Convergence”
Keywords: Convergence, Framework, Google
News Content:
Title: Google Angular Head: JavaScript Frameworks Are Heading Towards Convergence
At this year’s dotJS conference, Google Angular head Minko Gechev delivered a keynote speech on the future of JavaScript frameworks, proposing an aggressive viewpoint: all JavaScript frameworks are moving towards convergence.
Gechev pointed out that while Angular and React have different design philosophies, with the former using classes and templates and the latter using functions and JSX, they both aim to provide similar functionalities and solve the same problems at their core. He stated that the majority of the responsibilities of front-end frameworks are to maintain the synchronization between the model and the view, in which Angular and React have shown design similarities.
Gechev also mentioned that there is an astonishing similarity between React and Angular in maintaining the synchronization between the component tree and the UI. He noted that both frameworks use very similar algorithms for change detection and reconciliation operations, whether it is updating the state of a shopping cart or using other application components.
In terms of performance, Gechev demonstrated the similarity between Angular and React through benchmark tests. Although they performed poorly in terms of line swapping, both frameworks showed good performance in local updates. He pointed out that as the complexity of applications increases, there may be hundreds or even thousands of components that remain active, making it necessary for the frameworks to optimize their responsiveness mechanisms.
To address this issue, Angular introduced a static dependency tracking mechanism based on a compiler and included Signals, a reactivity primitive, which can automatically track their usage locations. Gechev noted that other frameworks such as Ember, Solid, Vue, and Svelte are also moving towards convergence in reactivity primitives.
Furthermore, Gechev mentioned the Wiz framework, which is applied in scenarios completely different from Angular, similar to Astro and Qwik. As the requirements of the frameworks converge, the Wiz team, after seeing Signals in Angular, also wanted to introduce them into Wiz, while the Angular team was interested in the recoverability features of Wiz. This resulted in a significant performance improvement for the mobile version of YouTube by integrating Wiz with Angular Signals.
Gechev’s viewpoint suggests the future trend of JavaScript frameworks, which is towards technological unification, although there may still be differences in application scenarios. This trend means that developers can choose frameworks without overthinking the technical differences, as they will ultimately become homogeneous technologies, differing only in their external forms.
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