中新网昭通8月14日电 (李世俊 吴太平 张遵策)记者14日从云南大山包黑颈鹤国家级自然保护区(以下简称“大山包保护区”)管护局获悉,该局科研人员近日在日常巡护时,首次观测到并记录下国家二级重点保护野生动物雕鸮的影像。
雕鸮(学名:Bubo Bubo)隶属鸮形目鸱鸮科雕鸮属的大型猛禽,是世界上体形较大的猫头鹰之一。这种鸟类常栖息于山地森林、平原、荒野、林缘灌丛、裸露的高山和峭壁等生境,主要以各种鼠类、兔类、鸡类及其他小型鸟类为食。雕鸮在中国虽分布范围较广,但由于栖息地丧失,其种群数量处于不断下降的趋势,被列入《世界自然保护联盟》濒危物种红色名录。
News Title: New Discovery at Dashi Village Nature Reserve: First Record of the Leopard Owl, a National Class II Protected Animal
Keywords: Leopard Owl, Yunnan, Nature Reserve
News Content:
HENGDA NEWS Yongchuan August 14th (Li Shijun, Wu Taisheng, Zhang Zunzhe) A reporter learned from the Administration for Nature Reserve Management of the Dashi Village Nature Reserve in Yunnan on the 14th that researchers from the reserve recently made their first observation and recorded the image of the Leopard Owl, a Class II protected wildlife species in China, during their routine patrol.
The Leopard Owl (Bubo Bubo) is a large raptor belonging to the family Strigidae, known for its distinctive leopard-like spots on its chest and back. It is one of the largest species of owls in the world, inhabiting a variety of habitats including mountain forests, plains, wastelands, forest edges, thickets, and exposed highlands and cliffs. Its diet primarily consists of rodents, rabbits, poultry, and other small birds. Although the Leopard Owl has a wide distribution in China, its population is in a continuous decline due to habitat loss, and it has been listed as a vulnerable species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.
Located in Yongchuan City, Yunnan Province, the Dashi Village Nature Reserve is a key wintering site and migration transit station for the critically endangered Black-necked Crane, a National Class I protected wildlife species. The researchers from the reserve’s management department stated that the appearance of the Leopard Owl for the first time has added to the bird diversity of the reserve, further demonstrating the continuous improvement of the local ecological environment and the ongoing effectiveness of conservation efforts.
The discovery of the Leopard Owl not only affirms the improvement of the ecological environment in the Dashi Village Nature Reserve but also provides valuable first-hand data for the study of its distribution and protection. The reserve will continue to strengthen its patrol and management efforts to ensure the effective protection of the habitats of rare wildlife, contributing positively to the protection of biodiversity.
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