






Title: “The Longevity Legend: Unveiling the Mysterious Secrets of Old Tortoises”

Keywords: Longevity, Ancient, Biological Diversity

News Content:
In the wondrous world of nature, there lives an ancient creature – the tortoise. As one of Earth’s “ancient relics,” it has maintained its modern form for 120 million years. Tortoises are long-lived reptiles, with lifespans that can reach over a century, making them undisputed “old-timers” among all animals. What is the “secret” to their longevity? What other “mysteries” do tortoises possess? Today, let’s unveil the mystery of tortoise longevity.

The reason tortoises can live so long is primarily their thick shell. This hard protective shell not only shields internal organs but also reduces water loss from the body. When faced with external threats, they can retract their heads, tails, and limbs into their shells to avoid harm. The shell is made of bone and keratin, and it is very sturdy, capable of withstanding external damage. The shell is also the tortoise’s identity card, as each tortoise’s shell has unique patterns, similar to human fingerprints, which can be used to distinguish between individuals.

Additionally, the slow metabolic rate of tortoises is another factor contributing to their longevity. Scientists have pointed out that tortoises travel more kilometers in their lifetime than rabbits. This suggests that while tortoises move slowly, their endurance and perseverance are unmatched by rabbits. Scientists believe that this is directly related to their different methods of obtaining food. Slow-moving animals must constantly search for food, while their quick-moving competitors spend most of their time refueling for their next “expedition.”

Can tortoises age at a negligible rate? It sounds like a myth, but it’s actually one of the unique features of tortoises. Jonathan, a 190-year-old Aldabra giant tortoise, has officially become the oldest known land animal on Earth. His longevity is impressive. But it’s not surprising, as other centenarian tortoise cases show that for them, time does not leave many “marks.” Studies indicate that certain species of tortoises seem to avoid aging, i.e., avoiding the gradual degeneration of the body as it ages. This is a unique ability of tortoises.

Why can’t tortoises move fast? People often use “as slow as a tortoise” to describe slow movement, and in everyone’s eyes, tortoises seem to embody “slow.” In reality, tortoises are omnivorous, not needing to rely on speed to hunt; their heavy shells protect them, making them generally not prey for other animals, so they don’t need to move too quickly in daily life. However, the speed of tortoises can sometimes be much faster than you think, especially when they sense danger, their speed can be astonishing. In the world of tortoises, there is also a “Bolt” – a South African leopard tortoise named Bertie that can crawl at 0.28 meters per second, translating to a speed of about 1 kilometer per hour, twice as fast as the average tortoise, making it the fastest-crawling tortoise in the world.

In summary, tortoises showcase their survival wisdom in the natural world through their unique lifestyle and physiological structure. Their “secrets of longevity” and “mysteries” not only provide insights into life and aging for humans but also offer valuable materials for studying biological evolution and ecology.


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