Title: “Fujian Taining: Green Mountains and Clear Waters Paint a New Picture of Rural Tourism”
Keywords: Taining Tourism, Green Mountains and Clear Waters, Rural Tourism
Tainting, a county in Sanming City, Fujian Province, is a picturesque land surrounded by green mountains and clear waters. This area not only boasts a wealth of natural landscapes but also possesses a unique rural tourism culture. Recently, the China Daily reported that Taining is gradually becoming a popular destination for rural tourism, thanks to its distinctive natural beauty and profound cultural heritage.
One of Taining’s most famous attractions is Shangqing Stream, known for its “Ninety-Nine Curves and Eighty-Eight Rapids.” This meandering stream, with its steep cliffs on both sides and crystal-clear water, presents a natural landscape that resembles a painting. Here, visitors can enjoy bamboo rafting, experiencing the joy of getting close to nature. As the rafting guides paddle and sing melodious folk songs, the scene feels like a retreat to a paradisiacal place.
Taining’s development is not solely dependent on its natural landscapes; it also tightly integrates ecological tourism with rural revitalization. The local government has developed a series of distinctive rural tourism products, such as “Cultivating and Reading Lijia, Bean Fragrance Chongjie, and Fishing Pleasure Shuijie,” which integrate rural tourism with local agriculture, handicrafts, and other industries. Additionally, Taining makes full use of its unique ecological environment to develop various specialty foods, including drinking water, liquor, Taining rock tea, and yuanjiang tofu, attracting many visitors to taste and experience them.
Taining’s successful practice demonstrates that protecting the environment can not only bring economic benefits but also promote social harmony and cultural heritage. Taining County Government adheres to the development strategy of “Tourism Prosperity,” attracting a large number of tourists by preserving the green mountains and clear waters, and thus driving the rapid development of the local economy.
As Taining’s rural tourism continues to grow, the green mountains and clear waters are gradually painting a new picture of rural tourism, bringing employment and economic benefits to the local residents and becoming an important window to showcase the beautiful rural scenery of China.
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