Title: “Deep Feelings between the Two Banks of the River: A Journey Home to Yongding Eases Homesickness”
Keywords: Hakka Exchange, Yongding Home, Taiwanese Returning Home
[Yongding, Fujian] The sixteenth Haiwan Forum·Cross-Strait (Yongding) Hakka Cultural Exchange event concluded successfully on August 11 in Yongding District, Longyan City, Fujian Province. The three-day event, themed “Emotion Blends Across the Strait·Fate Gathers at the Earth Building,” attracted many Taiwanese participants and aimed to promote the exchange and inheritance of Hakka culture between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait.
At the opening ceremony, Honorary President of the Taipei Yongding County Association, Huang Jianxing, stated that they brought over 20 Taiwanese Hakkas with ancestral roots in Yongding to participate in the event. Seeing the positive development of their hometown’s social and economic conditions, they felt very happy. Huang emphasized that no matter where they are, they will never forget their identity as Hakkas from Yongding, and this homesickness and bloodline connection is indissoluble.
Yongding District is an important gathering place for Hakkas and a key area for overseas Chinese and a cross-strait exchange base in China. According to statistics, among the 5 million Hakkas in Taiwan, about 700,000 have migrated directly from Longyan. Therefore, Yongding plays a significant role in the cross-strait Hakka cultural exchange.
During the event, attendees watched performances and experienced Hakka and Earth Building cultures. Jiang Yuchong, a director of the Taipei Yongding County Association, said that Yongding is their hometown, and the virtues of the Hakkas need to be passed down from generation to generation.
Wei Yilong, Chairman of the Taipei Shuyan Social Welfare Foundation, also actively participated in the event. He has promoted the establishment of Hakka Halls in Taiwan to spread and inherit Hakka culture. He believes that Hakka culture is an important heritage of Chinese culture, and the event helps to consolidate the spirit of cross-strait Hakka culture.
During the event, three Taiwanese investment projects were signed, further promoting economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait.
The successful hosting of the sixteenth Haiwan Forum·Cross-Strait (Yongding) Hakka Cultural Exchange event not only deepened the emotional exchanges between Hakkas on both sides of the Strait but also promoted the inheritance and development of culture, injecting new vitality into the harmonious development of cross-strait relations.
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