






Title: “Apple’s Secret Weapon: Magnets Hidden in the Tightest of Spaces”

Keywords: Magnets, Space-Saving, Under-Screen Fingerprint

News Content:
Why has Apple chosen to install magnets instead of adopting under-screen fingerprint recognition technology in the tightest of spaces within its smartphones? This decision is rooted in Apple’s careful consideration of user experience and product design.

Firstly, the use of magnets brings a unique interaction experience to Apple’s smartphones. Magnetic components not only enable a tight connection between the phone and accessories like chargers and earphones but also allow for data transmission through magnetic interfaces with smartwatches and other devices. This experience is highly appealing to users who seek innovation and convenience.

Secondly, while under-screen fingerprint recognition can save screen space to some extent, it also introduces user experience challenges. For example, fingerprint recognition may be affected by finger oil, dust, and other stains, reducing its efficiency, and under-screen fingerprint technology requires leaving space on the screen, making the phone overall appear thicker.

Apple has always emphasized simplicity and elegance in its product design, and under-screen fingerprint technology could potentially disrupt this design philosophy. In contrast, the use of magnets does not affect the phone’s appearance, and instead, it can serve as an innovative interaction method that enhances user enjoyment.

Additionally, Apple’s investment in product development and patent portfolio is a significant factor in choosing magnets over under-screen fingerprint recognition. Apple holds numerous patents on magnetic technology, which provide it with more design flexibility. Although under-screen fingerprint technology is technically mature, the patent rights are more fragmented, and Apple may need to invest more in R&D to ensure the stability and security of the technology.

In summary, Apple’s decision to install magnets instead of adopting under-screen fingerprint recognition technology in the tightest of spaces within its smartphones is based on a comprehensive consideration of user experience and product design. This decision reflects Apple’s commitment to product innovation and design, as well as the company’s advantage in patent technology layout.


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