Title: “AI Nail Art Takes Paris by Storm: Owner from Yiwu Sells Thousands Using AI Designs”
Keywords: AI nail art, Olympic bestseller, Yiwu innovation
News Content:
At the Paris Olympics, an AI-designed nail art product themed around Olympic elements unexpectedly became a sensation, setting a new trend in the fashion world. The nail art product, designed by a boss from Yiwu, not only captured the hearts of athletes at the games but also gained widespread popularity in the market.
The boss from Yiwu, known as “Tu Ge” (a nickname), initially struggled with innovation in nail art design. Seeking assistance, he turned to AI. He developed a tool called LumiNail, utilizing Tongyici (a large language model), which allows users to generate Olympic-themed nail art designs simply by inputting keywords. Designs include options like the Eiffel Tower, Monet’s Water Lilies, and remixes of Van Gogh’s Starry Night and Sunflowers.
The design process involves generating nail art prompts using Tongyici’s Qiuwen (a text-to-image tool), which are then input into an AI drawing tool to create the final design. These designs have not only been popular among athletes at the Paris Olympics but have also quickly garnered attention in the fashion world through social media.
Moreover, AI nail art offers a user-friendly generator that allows users to create their preferred nail designs by inputting keywords according to different styles and themes. These designs are not only aesthetically pleasing but also customizable to meet the diverse needs of consumers.
As AI technology continues to evolve, there may be more products and applications like this emerging in the future, bringing convenience and joy to people’s lives.
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