Title: “Controversy Surrounds Zhuang Hongyan’s Brother’s Livestreaming E-commerce Activities”
Keywords: Zhuang Hongyan, Livestreaming Controversy, Yili Denies Rumors
Content: Recently, Zhuang Hongyan’s brother has entered the public eye following his sister’s outstanding performance at the Tokyo Olympics. His livestreaming activities promoting goods have sparked considerable controversy. In response, Zhuang Hongyan’s brother addressed the issue on social media, stating that he simply wanted to use the livestreaming platform to help sell agricultural products from his hometown, with no ill intentions, and expressed sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused to the public.
Meanwhile, the founder of the人人影视字幕组 issued an apology, admitting that the group had translated and distributed foreign films without authorization, and offered a heartfelt apology, promising to cease such activities.
Furthermore, Yili Group refuted a rumor alleging that one of its employees made derogatory gestures during the women’s table tennis final. Yili stated that the rumor was not true and had already issued a denial, and reserved the right to pursue legal action against those who spread false information.
These incidents serve as a reminder to the public that the influence of celebrities should be used with caution, the awareness of intellectual property protection needs to be strengthened, and the dissemination of information online should be responsible to prevent the spread of rumors.
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