Title: “Biting Mosquitoes Become Health Killers”
Keywords: Mosquito-borne diseases, Japanese encephalitis, Dengue fever
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While mosquito bites are known to cause skin irritation, they can also spread fatal diseases. During the summer and autumn months, when mosquitoes are most active, people often only consider the discomfort brought by these bites. However, they may not realize that these seemingly inconspicuous insect bites can lead to more serious health issues. Diseases transmitted by mosquitoes, such as Japanese encephalitis, dengue fever, and malaria, pose a threat to human life and health every year.
Japanese encephalitis is an acute infectious disease caused by the Japanese encephalitis virus, primarily transmitted through mosquito bites. Children, whose immune systems are not fully developed, are more susceptible to the effects of the Japanese encephalitis virus, experiencing symptoms such as fever, headaches, and vomiting. Adults should not underestimate the risk either, as the number of cases of Japanese encephalitis in adults has been increasing in recent years.
Dengue fever is an acute infectious disease caused by the dengue virus, transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes. The disease strikes suddenly, causing symptoms such as high fever, severe headache, eye pain, and joint and muscle pain.
Malaria is a disease caused by Plasmodium parasites transmitted through mosquito bites or through blood transfusions, and it is prevalent in regions such as Africa and Southeast Asia. Patients experience symptoms such as chills, fever, and sweating.
Therefore, if you experience fever, muscle pain, or headache after returning from a travel to an epidemic area, you should immediately report to the customs officers and provide your travel history so that you can be promptly examined and treated.
It is important to note that after being bitten by mosquitoes, in addition to using mosquito repellent, you should maintain a clean living environment to reduce the breeding sites for mosquitoes. Additionally, for susceptible groups, such as children and those with weakened immune systems, special precautions should be taken to avoid mosquito bites.
In summary, mosquito bites are not just minor skin irritations; they can lead to serious health problems and even threaten life. Therefore, raising public awareness of mosquito-borne diseases and taking effective preventive measures are crucial for preventing these diseases.
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