






Title: “Lei Jun’s Stunning Claim: Xiaomi 12 Ultra’s Ceiling-Running Magic”

Keywords: Xiaomi, Suction, Marketing

News Content:
Recently, Lei Jun, the founder of Xiaomi, sparked heated discussion on social media with a surprising statement claiming that the Xiaomi SU7ULTRA could theoretically run on the ceiling. This claim has generated widespread debate among tech enthusiasts and consumers.

It is important to clarify that suction-based adhesion technology is not a new concept. In daily life, we are familiar with technologies such as magnetic adhesion and electrostatic adhesion. For example, some screen protectors for smartphones and tablets use electrostatic adhesion, allowing them to form a protective layer on the screen without the need for glue. However, applying this technology to mobile devices, such as smartphones or tablets, still presents certain technical challenges.

Firstly, the technology needs to consider the weight of the device and the strength of the suction. If the suction is insufficient, the device may fall off; if it is too strong, it could damage the device. Secondly, the technology must also address the issue of heat dissipation, as prolonged operation of a device adhered to the ceiling could lead to excessive internal temperatures, affecting performance and lifespan.

Furthermore, Lei Jun’s statement has prompted speculation among the public about Xiaomi’s future product innovation. Some analysts believe that this statement could be a hint at Xiaomi’s future products, suggesting that the company may introduce an intelligent device with suction-based adhesion capability. However, more information and technical details from Xiaomi are needed to confirm this.

In summary, while Lei Jun’s statement has generated buzz on social media, the application of suction-based adhesion technology on mobile devices still faces numerous challenges. We look forward to Xiaomi providing more information to help the public better understand this technology and its potential application prospects.


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