Title: “The Mystery of Territorial Size: Why No Nation Crosses 30 to 70 Million Square Kilometers?”
Keywords: Territorial Size, Nation Distribution, Geographic Restrictions
Why is there no country in the world with a territorial area between 30 and 70 million square kilometers? This question has sparked widespread interest. Based on geographical and political analyses, we can identify several reasons:
Firstly, the division of territorial size is influenced by geographical and historical factors. The vast majority of areas in the world that cover between 30 and 70 million square kilometers are either cold polar regions or arid desert areas, which are not suitable for human habitation and agricultural development.
Secondly, political factors are also an important influence on the size of a nation. Historically, many countries have chosen smaller areas to maintain political stability and economic development. If a country’s area is too large, challenges such as internal administrative management, economic development, and social stability would arise.
Lastly, international law and treaties impose restrictions on the size of a nation. For example, some international treaties set limits on the size of a country to prevent any single nation from expanding excessively and threatening the security of others.
In summary, the absence of countries with a territorial area between 30 and 70 million square kilometers is due to the combined effects of geographical, historical and political factors, as well as international legal restrictions. These factors work together to ensure that the size of nations is reasonable, benefiting both the stability and development of individual countries and the peace and cooperation of the international community.
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