
#### 2024年7月28日18:00:57


### 今年3号台风“格美”减弱为热带低压,停止编号

### 中国沈阳,7月28日——辽宁省气象局近日发布信息,今年第3号台风“格美”已减弱为热带低压,于7月28日8时正式停止对其编号。然而,尽管台风“格美”已减弱,但辽宁省气象台首席预报员于跃表示,由于台风残余水汽、副热带高压外围西南气流等因素的影响,辽宁省的雨量不降反增,中小河流地质灾害、山洪的气象风险等级较高。

### 强降雨预警,预计将持续至7月29日早晨

### 据气象部门预测,从7月28日凌晨至29日早晨,辽宁省将经历暴雨到大暴雨,局部地区降雨量将达到150至250毫米,个别乡镇(街道)甚至可能出现250至350毫米的特大暴雨。同时,陆地及各海区的最大阵风可达9至11级。当前,辽宁省正处于“七上八下”的防汛关键期,复杂多变的天气系统对防汛工作带来了极大挑战。

### 交通部门紧急部署,全面应对强降雨

### 面对严峻的防汛形势,辽宁省交通运输厅防汛办公室已下发紧急通知,建立直达基层的预报预警机制,加强日常巡查监测与动态管控。同时,全省各地正集结应急队伍,进行风险隐患排查整治,确保雨情、汛情、险情、灾情预警防范措施得到有效落实。

### 防汛应急响应已启动,转移人员安全避险

### 截至目前,辽宁省已启动省级及市级、县级防汛应急响应共116次,累计转移人员30904人,确保其安全避险。各地共出动巡查人员2761人次,车辆723台次,持续对公路进行巡查排查,对826处重点部位实行专人值守。此外,集结了73支应急队伍、3080人及1042台机械设备,对84处险情进行了及时处置。

### 面对极端天气的挑战,辽宁省采取了全面而细致的准备工作,力求将灾害风险降至最低,保障人民群众的生命财产安全。


### “Typhoon ‘Geami’ Ceased to Be Numbered, Rainfall Increases in Liaoning Province”

#### Published on July 28, 2024 at 18:00:57

Source: China News Service

### Typhoon “Geami” Weakened to a Tropical Depression, Ceasing Numbering

### SHANGHAI, July 28 — The Liaoning Meteorological Bureau recently reported that this year’s No. 3 typhoon “Geami” has weakened to a tropical depression and officially ceased its numbering at 8:00 a.m. on July 28. Despite the weakening of the typhoon “Geami,” Liaoning’s Meteorological Observatory’s Chief Forecaster Yu Yue noted that the rainfall in the province has increased instead of decreasing due to the residual moisture from the typhoon, the influence of the subtropical high’s westerly flow, and other factors. The meteorological risks for small and medium rivers, and landslides, as well as flash floods, are considered high.

### Heavy Rainfall Warning Continues Until July 29 Morning

### According to meteorological forecasts, from July 28 midnight to 9 a.m. on July 29, Liaoning Province will experience torrential to heavy rainfall, with some local areas expecting rainfall up to 150 to 250 millimeters, and isolated towns (streets) potentially experiencing extremely heavy rainfall of 250 to 350 millimeters. Additionally, the maximum gusts on land and in the sea areas could reach 9 to 11 Beaufort scale. Currently, Liaoning is in the critical period of “seven up, eight down” for flood control, posing significant challenges for the flood control efforts given the complex and changing weather systems.

### Traffic Department Urgently Deploys to Address Heavy Rainfall

### In response to the severe flood control situation, the Flood Control Office of Liaoning’s Department of Transportation has issued an urgent notice, establishing a direct forecasting and warning mechanism to local levels. They are strengthening daily inspections and monitoring, and dynamic control measures. Meanwhile, local governments are assembling emergency teams to conduct risk隐患排查 and rectification, ensuring that flood warning measures are effectively implemented.

### Flood Emergency Response Activated, Evacuating People to Safety

### As of now, Liaoning has activated provincial and municipal, and county-level flood control emergency responses a total of 116 times, with a total of 30,904 people being evacuated for safety. Across the province, 2,761 inspection personnel and 723 vehicles have been deployed, continuously巡查 the highways, and 826 key locations are being manned by dedicated personnel. Furthermore, 73 emergency teams, consisting of 3,080 people and 1,042 pieces of machinery, have been assembled to address 84 incidents in a timely manner.

### In the face of the challenges posed by extreme weather, Liaoning has undertaken comprehensive and meticulous preparations, aiming to minimize the risks of disasters, and ensuring the safety of the lives and property of the people.

### Translation of the above information into English:


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