中新网上海7月26日电 (记者 陈静)记者26日从上海市绿化和市容管理局方面获悉,崇明东滩候鸟栖息地(上海崇明东滩鸟类国家级自然保护区,简称:崇明东滩)成功晋升为世界自然遗产。
当地时间7月26日,在印度首都新德里举行的第46届联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会会议上,中国黄(渤)海候鸟栖息地(第二期)顺利通过遗产委员会评审,成功被列入《世界遗产名录》。据悉,世界遗产委员会以重大边界调整的形式,将上海崇明东滩、山东东营黄河口、河北沧州南大港、辽宁大连蛇岛——老铁山和辽宁丹东鸭绿江口五处提名地扩展列入《世界遗产名录》。2019 年,中国黄(渤)海候鸟栖息地(第一期)成功列入《世界遗产名录》。
News Title: Chongming Dongtan Earns Recognition as a World Natural Heritage Site
Keywords: World Heritage, Chongming Dongtan, Waterbird Habitat
News Content:
SHANGHAI, July 26 (Xinhua) — A Chongming Dongtan waterbird habitat in Shanghai has been successfully upgraded to a world natural heritage site, local authorities announced on Tuesday.
The Chongming Dongtan waterbird habitat, also known as the Shanghai Chongming Dongtan Bird Protection Area, was elevated to the status of a world natural heritage site at the 46th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee held in New Delhi, India, on Tuesday.
The Chongming Dongtan waterbird habitat, part of the Yellow (Bohai) Sea waterbird habitat in China, was approved by the committee and included in the World Heritage List. The committee expanded the list by making significant boundary adjustments to include five nominated sites: Chongming Dongtan in Shanghai, Dongying Donghai in Shandong, the South Haihe Bay in Hebei, the Snake Island-Laotieshan in Liaoning, and the Yanjiagang Estuary in Dandong, Liaoning. The first phase of the Yellow (Bohai) Sea waterbird habitat was successfully listed in the World Heritage List in 2019.
Located at the easternmost tip of China’s third-largest island, Chongming Island, and in the southern part of the Yellow Sea ecological zone, the Chongming Dongtan waterbird habitat is the area with the most intact estuarine wetland ecosystems and habitats for rare wildlife. It also serves as an intermediate node in the East Asian-Australasian flyway for migratory birds.
The Chongming Dongtan waterbird habitat has recorded over 300 bird species, including 22 globally threatened species, 19 national first-class protected animals, and 59 national second-class protected animals. According to relevant surveys, 12 species of waterbirds have populations that have reached or exceeded 1% of the total populations in the flyway. The Chongming Dongtan waterbird habitat is an important window for China’s implementation of international conventions and agreements, and its rich biodiversity gives Chongming Dongtan significant ecological value worldwide.
The ecological control of the invasive plant Spartina alterniflora and the optimization of bird habitats at the Chongming Dongtan waterbird habitat is one of the largest ecological conservation and wetland restoration projects in both China and abroad. The successful implementation of this project has set a great example for enhancing China’s ability to restore coastal wetland ecosystems and for promoting the effective protection and management of coastal wetlands.
By the end of the 1990s, the invasive plant Spartina alterniflora began to spread rapidly in the Chongming Dongtan waterbird habitat, causing the area of native reed beds to shrink and severely affecting the development and growth of subtidal organisms in the mudflats, thereby impacting the feeding and resting of migratory birds in the estuarine wetlands. Since September 2013, the protected area has implemented an ecological control and habitat optimization project for Spartina alterniflora and waterbirds, taking a combined approach of ecology and engineering to effectively control the growth of Spartina alterniflora and restore the habitat functions for waterbirds, creating nearly 25 square kilometers of high-quality habitats and maintaining and expanding bird populations.
The elevation of the Chongming Dongtan waterbird habitat to a world natural heritage site not only affirms its natural ecological value but also provides Chinese experience and wisdom for the global protection of biodiversity. The success of the Shanghai Chongming Dongtan Bird Protection Area also offers a replicable example for other countries and regions in the protection and restoration of wetlands.
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