Title: Beijing to Implement New Regulations on Animal Epidemic Prevention, with Emerging Industries to Adopt Management System
Keywords: New Animal Epidemic Prevention Regulations, Beijing Legislation, Management of Emerging Industries
Content: The Beijing Municipal People’s Congress recently voted to pass the “Implementation Measures for the Animal Epidemic Prevention Law of the People’s Republic of China in Beijing,” which will officially take effect on January 1, 2025. This new animal epidemic prevention law is aimed at implementing the revised draft of the Animal Epidemic Prevention Law passed by the National People’s Congress, and supplementing and refining the actual issues facing animal epidemic prevention in Beijing.
An official from the Legislative Affairs Office of the Beijing Municipal People’s Congress said that with the continuous emergence of emerging industries such as indoor zoos, interactive experience centers, and the rise of internet animal medical treatment, the original “Beijing Animal Epidemic Prevention Regulations” are no longer fully adaptable to the new situation. Therefore, it is necessary to amend the regulations to strengthen the urban public health safety defense line.
The new measures adopt the approach of replacing old regulations with new ones, not repeating the content that is already clear and specific in the superior law, but instead supplementing and refining the authorizing and principle provisions based on the actual situation of Beijing. The new measures consist of twenty-seven articles without chapters, aiming to promote a collaborative mechanism for animal epidemic prevention work, encourage social forces to participate in animal epidemic prevention, and strengthen the prevention-oriented policy for animal diseases, as well as improve the compulsory immunization system.
In addition, the new measures also propose specific requirements for the epidemic prevention management of emerging industries, including requiring organizers and operators to display certificates of quarantine and immunization in prominent locations, with venue providers required to check documents and urge the implementation of epidemic prevention requirements. At the same time, the measures also clarify the epidemic prevention responsibilities of animal medical treatment institutions and strengthen the management of internet animal medical treatment activities.
The implementation of the new measures will help Beijing better adapt to new situations and issues in animal epidemic prevention, enhance the effectiveness of animal disease prevention, and provide more solid guarantees for public health and animal welfare.
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