Title: “Ancient Tree Doctors in Chengdu: Guardians of the Health of Centuries-old Trees”
In the village of Feishu in Xiling Town, Deyi County, Chengdu, a 2.4-meter chest diameter and 35.8-meter tall centuries-old camphor tree, blooming with white and green petals in the July heat, exudes a sweet fragrance. This camphor tree, one of China’s most beautiful ancient trees, not only attracts local residents and tourists for leisure and photography, but is also a long-term focus and protection target of the Chengdu “Ancient Tree Doctor” team.
The Chengdu “Ancient Tree Doctor” team, composed of experts from the botanical garden, covers multiple fields including ecology, landscaping, plant protection, ornamental horticulture, and soil science. Since 2014, they have conducted comprehensive health checks for over 5,000 ancient trees and famous trees, each with a dedicated “health check file” to ensure that every ancient tree receives scientific and precise protection.
The “Ancient Tree Doctor” team’s work includes a comprehensive observation and documentation of the ancient trees, assessing their growth, surrounding environment, parasitic plants, and diseases and pests. They use professional equipment to generate “cross-sectional scans” of the tree trunks, understanding the integrity and degree of decay inside, and measuring the nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium content, and pH of the soil using a soil nutrient rapid tester, ensuring the growth environment is suitable for the ancient trees. Lastly, they assess the health status of the ancient trees and provide detailed “health check reports”.
Additionally, the team bears the responsibility of collecting and preserving the genetic resources of ancient trees. For rare tree species such as camphor trees and kinnaman trees, which have a population of less than 5, the team prioritizes collection of genetic resources. Currently, over 500 such resources have been preserved. These precious resources not only aid in the propagation of ancient trees but also ensure the biodiversity of forest resources in Chengdu.
On the land of Chengdu, which houses over 9,450 ancient trees, these centuries-old trees act as sentinels of history, witnessing the city’s development and transformation. Through the precise treatment and scientific protection of the “Ancient Tree Doctor” team, these ancient trees continue to witness and record Chengdu’s future.
The diligent work of the “Ancient Tree Doctor” team not only protects the health of ancient trees, but also infuses new vitality into Chengdu’s and the city’s overall ecological civilization construction. Under their efforts, these ancient trees will continue to witness the prosperity and beauty of Chengdu, serving as a bridge connecting the past and the future.
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