





Title: “Hong Kong Good Stuff Festival to Kick Off Next Month, Aimed at Boosting Hong Kong Products in the Mainland”

Keywords: John Cheng, Hong Kong Good Stuff Festival, Mainland Market

News Content:

Title: Hong Kong Chief Secretary John Cheng: Next Month’s “Hong Kong Good Stuff Festival” Aims to Help Hong Kong Products Enter the Mainland Market

In a July 21 blog post, the Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong Government, John Cheng, announced that the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDCC) plans to launch the first-ever “Hong Kong Good Stuff Festival” next month. This initiative aims to promote Hong Kong products to the mainland market through online live streaming, enhancing the recognition of Hong Kong brands among mainland consumers.

In the blog post, Cheng mentioned that this “Hong Kong Good Stuff Festival” will specially invite influential Chinese mainland live streamers to participate in the live sales activities. By utilizing this interactive and widespread marketing approach, Hong Kong’s high-quality products will be introduced to a larger number of mainland consumers. He noted that Hong Kong products are renowned for their uniqueness, high quality, and innovation, and these products have significant potential in the mainland market.

The hosting of the “Hong Kong Good Stuff Festival” is not only an innovative attempt in the economic cooperation between Hong Kong and the mainland, but also an important measure to promote the internationalization and diversification of Hong Kong brands. Through collaboration with influential mainland live streamers, it not only amplifies the impact of Hong Kong products, but also promotes cultural exchanges and integration between the two regions, opening new channels for Hong Kong products to enter the mainland market.

Cheng emphasized that Hong Kong, as an international financial center and global trade hub, enjoys unique geographical location and an international business environment. Hosting the “Hong Kong Good Stuff Festival” not only enhances the reputation of Hong Kong products, but also promotes trade between Hong Kong and the mainland, injecting new vitality into economic cooperation between the two regions.

The successful hosting of the “Hong Kong Good Stuff Festival” will provide new momentum for the promotion of Hong Kong products in the mainland market, further enhancing the image of Hong Kong brands in the minds of mainland consumers, and also opening up new paths for the diversified development of Hong Kong’s economy.


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