### 青岛7月12日电(胡耀杰 王宇轩)


### 萨摩亚培训班成员在国家级青岛人力资源服务产业园进行了参观交流。这座集成了人力资源服务、教育培训、科技研发等多功能于一体的产业园区,展示了青岛在人力资源服务领域的创新与活力。通过实地考察和深入交流,萨摩亚的学员们对中国在人力资源管理、人才培训、职业发展等方面的经验和技术有了更直观的了解。

### 作为此次参访的一部分,学员们还与青岛当地的人力资源专家进行了面对面的交流,探讨了人力资源管理的最新趋势、挑战与解决方案。这种直接的互动不仅增进了对青岛人力资源服务的了解,也为萨摩亚未来的政策制定和实践提供了宝贵的经验参考。

### 通过此次参访,萨摩亚的人力资源管理培训班成员不仅学习了先进的管理理念和技术,更重要的是,他们看到了不同文化背景下人力资源管理的多样性和可能性。这不仅有助于提升萨摩亚的人力资源管理水平,也为两国未来在这一领域的深入合作打下了坚实的基础。

### 此次活动是中萨两国在文化交流和合作领域的一次重要尝试,体现了两国人民对增进相互了解、促进共同发展的一致愿望。随着交流合作的深入,相信未来会有更多类似的人力资源交流项目,进一步推动两国在这一领域的共同进步。

### 总之,萨摩亚培训班的青岛之行不仅是一次知识的获取之旅,更是一次促进两国友谊与合作的宝贵机会。通过深入交流与学习,萨摩亚的人力资源管理将得到进一步提升,同时,中萨两国在人力资源领域的合作也将翻开新的篇章。


### Samoa Human Resources Delegation Visits Qingdao for Development Dialogue

### Qingdao, July 12 (Hu Yaojie, Wang Yuxuan)

A human resources management training delegation from the Pacific island nation of Samoa visited Qingdao today, aiming to gain insights into China’s advanced experiences and practices in human resources development. The delegation, comprising 25 members from government agencies including the Public Service Commission, Prime Minister’s Office, and the Department of Education and Culture, as well as business representatives, came to foster exchanges and cooperation in human resources management between the two countries.

### The delegation members visited the National Qingdao Human Resources Service Industrial Park, a comprehensive industrial park integrating human resources services, education and training, and technology development. This showcased Qingdao’s innovation and vitality in the field of human resources services. Through site visits and in-depth exchanges, the Samoan trainees gained a more direct understanding of China’s experiences and technologies in human resource management, talent training, and career development.

### As part of the visit, the trainees also engaged in face-to-face discussions with human resources experts in Qingdao, exploring the latest trends, challenges, and solutions in human resources management. This direct interaction not only deepened their understanding of Qingdao’s human resources services but also provided valuable references for future policy-making and practices in Samoa.

### Through this visit, the human resources management training delegation from Samoa not only learned advanced management concepts and technologies, but also gained insights into the diversity and possibilities of human resources management across different cultural backgrounds. This will help enhance Samoa’s human resources management, laying a solid foundation for future cooperation in this field between the two countries.

### This event represents an important attempt in cultural exchange and cooperation between China and Samoa, reflecting the mutual desire of the two peoples to deepen mutual understanding and promote shared development. As cooperation deepens, there will likely be more similar human resources exchange programs, further driving progress in this field for both countries.

### In summary, the visit of the Samoa human resources management training delegation to Qingdao was not only a journey of knowledge acquisition but also a valuable opportunity for strengthening friendship and cooperation between the two countries. Through in-depth exchanges and learning, the human resources management in Samoa will be further enhanced, while cooperation between China and Samoa in this field will open a new chapter.


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