
### 上海7月9日电

### 近日,上海市消费者权益保护委员会(以下简称“上海市消保委”)与香港消费者委员会(以下简称“香港消委会”)在沪正式签署了《沪港两地消费者权益保护合作协议》(简称:《合作协议》)。这一重要协议的签署标志着沪港两地在消费者权益保护领域合作的进一步深化,旨在通过加强沟通联络,共同提升消费者权益保护水平,促进两地乃至更广区域内的消费者福祉。

### 在签约仪式上,上海市消保委秘书长、上海市市场监管局二级巡视员陶爱莲,与香港消委会总干事黄凤娴共同出席,共同见证这一历史性时刻。双方表示,通过签署合作协议,旨在建立更加紧密的合作机制,共享经验、资源与信息,共同应对消费者权益保护领域的新挑战与新机遇。

### 《合作协议》的签署不仅体现了沪港两地在消费者权益保护领域的共同愿景与决心,也标志着两地在推动消费者权益保护方面合作的深化。双方承诺将定期开展交流与合作,共同探讨消费者权益保护的最新趋势与最佳实践,共同制定和完善消费者权益保护的相关政策与措施,以期为两地乃至更广区域内的消费者提供更加优质、高效的服务与保障。

### 此次合作协议的签署,是沪港两地在消费者权益保护领域合作的又一里程碑,不仅对两地消费者权益保护工作具有重要意义,也为促进区域经济一体化、提升消费者信心与满意度、推动两地乃至更广区域的经济发展与社会和谐做出了积极贡献。双方期待通过不断深化合作,为消费者权益保护事业注入新的活力,共同构建更加公平、透明、和谐的消费环境。


### Shanghai and Hong Kong Sign Consumer Rights Protection Cooperation Agreement, Paving New Chapter

### July 9, Shanghai

### In a significant step towards enhancing consumer rights protection, the Shanghai Consumers’ Rights Protection Committee (SCRPC) and the Hong Kong Consumers’ Committee (HKCC) have officially signed the “Cooperation Agreement on Consumer Rights Protection between Shanghai and Hong Kong” (hereafter referred to as the “Agreement”) in Shanghai. This marks a deeper collaboration between the two regions in the field of consumer rights protection, aiming to strengthen communication, and elevate the level of consumer rights protection, thereby promoting the well-being of consumers across regions.

### At the signing ceremony, Ms. Tao Aili, Secretary General of the SCRPC and Deputy Director of the Shanghai Market Supervision Bureau, and Ms. Wong Fung Yan, Chief Executive Officer of the HKCC, attended the event together, witnessing this historic moment. Both parties expressed their commitment to establishing a closer cooperation mechanism, sharing experiences, resources, and information, and collectively addressing new challenges and opportunities in the field of consumer rights protection.

### The signing of the Agreement not only embodies the shared vision and determination of Shanghai and Hong Kong in consumer rights protection, but also signifies a further deepening of cooperation between the two regions. Both parties have committed to regularly conducting exchanges and cooperation, jointly exploring the latest trends and best practices in consumer rights protection, and jointly formulating and improving relevant policies and measures to provide consumers with higher-quality, efficient services and guarantees across regions.

### The signing of this cooperation agreement is a milestone in the consumer rights protection collaboration between Shanghai and Hong Kong, which holds significant importance for the consumer rights protection work in both regions. It also contributes positively to promoting regional economic integration, enhancing consumer confidence and satisfaction, and driving the economic and social harmony of both regions and beyond. Both parties look forward to continuously deepening their cooperation, infusing new vitality into the consumer rights protection cause, and jointly constructing a more fair, transparent, and harmonious consumption environment.


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