中新网北京报道 7月3日电 中暑的真相往往超出我们的常识认知。很多人认为只有在烈日炎炎之下才会中暑,然而真相并非如此。中新网今日为您揭示中暑的真相。
News Title: The Sun’s Intensity is Not the Only Culprit! Uncover the Truth about Heatstroke: High Temperature and Humidity Environment Are Also Dangerous!
Keywords: Heatstroke Types, Heatstroke Environment, High Temperature and Humidity
News Content:
China News Service reveals the truth about heatstroke: it doesn’t only occur under the scorching sun.
Beijing, China News Service, July 3 — The truth about heatstroke often exceeds our common knowledge. Many people believe that heatstroke only occurs under the burning sun, but that is not the case. China News Service is here to uncover the truth today.
Heatstroke is classified into three types: early heatstroke, mild heatstroke, and severe heatstroke, which includes heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heatstroke illness, with heatstroke illness being the most severe. The key factor causing heatstroke is not only high temperature but also the temperature, humidity, and ventilation conditions of the environment in which the human body is located.
Experts point out that even indoors, if the environment is hot and humid with poor ventilation, it can still cause heatstroke. Therefore, to prevent heatstroke, people should not only avoid exposure to the sun but also pay attention to improving ventilation conditions and avoid being in a poor environment for a long time.
Experts suggest that in hot weather, both indoors and outdoors, precautions should be taken to prevent heatstroke by keeping the environment well-ventilated, staying hydrated, and avoiding prolonged exposure to adverse conditions. The public needs to increase their understanding of heatstroke to better protect their health. China News Service reminds you to beware of heatstroke during the hot summer days.
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