中新社昆明7月1日电(记者 胡远航)受连日强降雨天气影响,云南省昭通市威信县在7月1日上午遭受山体滑坡自然灾害。据威信县委宣传部消息,该县罗布镇黑龙村发生山体滑坡,导致一处民房垮塌。
News Title: “Landslides Triggered by Continuous Rainfall in Yunnan Weixin Result in 3 Deaths and 2 Injuries”
Keywords: Yunnan Weixin landslides, casualties, continuous rainfall
News Content:
Kunming, July 1 (China News Service) – (Reporter Hu Yuangang) – Affected by continuous heavy rainfall, Weixin County in昭通市, Yunnan Province, suffered from natural landslides in the morning of July 1. According to the Weixin County Party Committee Propaganda Department, a landslides occurred in Heilong Village, Luobu Town, causing a civilian house to collapse.
The disaster resulted in 3 fatalities and 2 injuries. The specific casualties are still being verified. The local government has launched emergency plans, organized rescue forces to the scene, carried out rescue operations, provided full treatment to the injured, and conducted safety inspections in the surrounding areas to prevent similar disasters from recurring.
This landslides disaster has brought tremendous losses and injuries to the local people. The local government has expressed its commitment to providing comfort and assistance to the affected people, ensuring social stability in the affected areas. At the same time, it reminds the public to be aware of the potential geological disasters caused by heavy rainfall and ensure their own safety.
Rescue efforts are still ongoing, and more details and updates will be announced.
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