
中新网北京消息,据也门胡塞武装控制的马西拉电视台报道,当地时间本月26日,胡塞武装发言人宣布了对一艘货轮的袭击行动,引起国际社会的广泛关注。据该发言人叶海亚·萨雷亚声称,胡塞武装在阿拉伯海针对“MSC SARAH V”号货轮进行了打击,此次打击行动中首次使用了自主生产的新型高超音速导弹。画面显示,胡塞武装成功地对目标进行了精准打击。这是胡塞武装首次公开展示其自主研发的高超音速导弹的实际应用能力。此次行动不仅显示出胡塞武装的技术实力,也引发了国际社会对其军事技术发展的关注。目前,关于此次袭击的详细情况和后续进展尚待进一步报道和确认。国际社会对此表示高度关注,呼吁各方保持克制,避免局势进一步升级。这一事件也再次凸显了全球对于军事技术发展的关注与重视。对于未来胡塞武装可能的行动以及国际社会的反应,还需密切关注和评估。


News Title: Houthi Armed Forces First Use Homemade Hyper音速 Missile to Attack Cargo Ship

Keywords: Houthi Armed Forces; hyper音速 missile; attack on cargo ship

News Content:

Houthi Armed Forces First Used Self-produced Hyper音速 Missile to Attack Cargo Ship

Beijing, China News Service – According to a report from the Masirah Television which is controlled by the Yemeni Houthi Armed Forces, the Houthis’ spokesman announced an attack on a cargo ship on the 26th of this month, drawing widespread international attention. According to the spokesman, Yahya Sarea, the Houthis Armed Forces attacked the “MSC SARAH V” cargo ship in the Arabian Sea, using a newly developed homemade hyper音速 missile for the first time during the operation. The footage showed that the Houthis Armed Forces successfully launched precise strikes on the target. This is the first time that the Houthis Armed Forces have publicly demonstrated the practical application of their self-developed hyper音速 missiles. This action not only shows the technical strength of the Houthis Armed Forces, but also attracts international attention to their military technology development. Details and further developments of the attack are yet to be further reported and confirmed. The international community has expressed high concern about this, calling on all parties to exercise restraint and avoid further escalation of the situation. This incident once again highlights the global attention and importance attached to the development of military technology. Attention and evaluation need to be paid to possible future actions by the Houthis Armed Forces and the response of the international community.


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