




Title: Sino-US Youth Cultural Bridge: Paper-cutting Art Deepens Friendship and Understanding

Keywords: Sino-US Youth Exchange, Culture as Bridge, Paper-cutting Experience

News Content: **Sino-US Youth Use Culture as Bridge, Paper-cutting Art Deepens Friendship**

Wuhan, China News Service reported on June 8th that a special cultural exchange event was successfully held in Wuhan. At the event, young people from China and the United States used culture as a bridge to enhance their understanding and friendship. Among them, Makiyia Lane Puye-Deerwater, a student from Northeastern State University in the United States, became a highlight of the event.

Under the guidance of Chinese youth, Puye-Deerwater tried paper-cutting art for the first time. Holding scissors in her hand, she carefully cut out a traditional Chinese pattern – square lattice pattern, which symbolizes good fortune and prosperity. Puye-Deerwater said it was her first time to experience paper-cutting art with Chinese students, and she was deeply inspired and excited. She wrote her name on the paper cut and framed it as a souvenir.

This cultural exchange event not only provided a platform for young people from China and the United States to deeply understand each other’s culture, but also deepened their friendship through traditional art forms. Through such cultural exchange activities, young people from China and the United States can cross borders and explore the treasures of human civilization together. It is expected that more similar activities will be held in the future to allow more young people from China and the United States to experience this profound cultural exchange journey.


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