中新网北京5月31日电(中新财经记者 左宇坤)报道:从“侬吼”到“Hello”,义乌老板娘们的声音正在跨越国界,从一个普通的档口走向了世界的每一个角落。这是关于一场充满勇气和创新的旅程。
近期,一段视频引发了广泛关注,视频中,八位来自义乌的老板娘在美国纽约亮相,她们用流利的英语向世界介绍自己的产品。“I am Fu Jiangyan, we are a sock factory specializing in various types of cotton socks”,这是她们向世界发出的声音,展示的是她们的企业和产品。
News Title: “Nonghou” Becomes “Hello” as Yiwu Shopkeepers Spread Their Dreams on the World Stage
Keywords: Yiwu Shopkeeper, I am Fu Jiangyan, Embracing the World
News Content:
Beijing, May 31 (China News Service/Zuo Yukun) Reports: From “Nonghou” to “Hello,” the voices of Yiwu shopkeepers are crossing borders, moving from a humble stall to every corner of the world in a journey of courage and innovation.
Recently, a video has garnered widespread attention, featuring eight Yiwu shopkeepers making their debut in New York. With fluent English, they introduced their products to the world. “I am Fu Jiangyan. Our factory specializes in various types of cotton socks,” their voices echoed, showcasing their businesses and products.
These Yiwu shopkeepers have successfully propelled their businesses into the international market through their own efforts and entrepreneurial spirit. Their stories are tales of struggle and perseverance. Their courageous actions inspire more people to participate in the internationalization process, exploring broader business prospects together. This cross-border marketing demonstrates the international vision and business acumen of local entrepreneurs. Undoubtedly, this is an era of hope and opportunity.
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