Title: “China Eastern’s C919 Fleet Expands to Six Ahead of Commercial Operations Anniversary”
Keywords: C919, China Eastern Airlines, Operational Anniversary
Content: As China Eastern Airlines (hereinafter referred to as “China Eastern”) prepares to celebrate the first anniversary of the commercial operation of the domestically produced large passenger aircraft C919, the company has reached a significant milestone. On May 27, China Eastern officially received the first of the 100 C919 aircraft it has ordered, with registration B-919G. This marks an expansion of China Eastern’s C919 fleet to six aircraft, further strengthening its market position and operational capabilities in the domestic aircraft sector.
The C919, a single-aisle 150-seat regional jet developed by COMAC (China Aviation Industry Corporation), has been a subject of international attention since its successful maiden flight on May 5, 2017. As the first commercial customer of the C919, China Eastern has been actively promoting and operating the domestically produced aircraft since it received its first C919 in September 2019.
The newly received first C919 aircraft among the additional orders will further optimize China Eastern’s fleet structure and enhance its coverage of flight routes and service quality. China Eastern has stated that it will continue to invest more in the operation of the C919, including route planning, crew training, and customer service, to ensure passengers can enjoy a safer and more comfortable flying experience.
As the C919 fleet continues to grow, China Eastern will also actively participate in the promotion and internationalization of domestically produced large aircraft, contributing to the development of China’s aviation industry. This will also help enhance the competitiveness of China’s civil aviation industry internationally and inject new vitality into the global aviation market.
It is reported that the 100 C919 aircraft ordered by China Eastern will be delivered in stages and are expected to be completed within the next few years. As the commercial operation of the C919 deepens, China Eastern aims to build the domestically produced aircraft into a globally recognized brand, providing passengers with more convenient and efficient air services.
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