Title: “Kunlun Wanwei Tiangong SkyMusic Music Big Model Open Beta Launch, Performance Leads”
Keywords: Open Beta, Music Big Model, Kunlun Wanwei
News Content: Kunlun Wanwei’s Tiangong SkyMusic Music Big Model Launches Free Open Beta
Recently, Kunlun Wanwei announced that the performance of its Tiangong 3.0 big model has been significantly enhanced, and its music big model, Tiangong SkyMusic, is now officially open to the public for a free open beta. Tiangong SkyMusic excels in aspects such as sound quality, naturalness of human voice, and intelligibility of pronunciation, leading the market with its performance, especially in the fusion of human voice with background music (BGM), where its technical level has reached the pinnacle of the current industry, known as SOTA (State-of-the-Art) model.
Kunlun Wanwei stated that Tiangong SkyMusic has significantly improved its capabilities in music creation and processing, enabling it to simulate human voice more naturally and improve the listenability and smoothness of music. This progress not only enhances the user experience but also provides more creative possibilities for music creators and enthusiasts.
This open beta is the first public appearance of Tiangong SkyMusic, aiming to collect user feedback and continuously optimize model performance. Kunlun Wanwei emphasized that the goal of Tiangong SkyMusic’s music big model is to become a benchmark in the field of AI technology for music, through continuous iterative updates, to bring users a more perfect music experience.
With the continuous advancement of artificial intelligence technology, the creation and production of music are undergoing a new transformation. The open beta of Tiangong SkyMusic’s music big model signals that future music creation will be more intelligent and personalized, injecting new vitality into the development of the music industry.
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