Title: “Liu Qiangdong’s AI Debut Livestream Draws 20 Million Viewers, Generates Over 50 Million in Sales”
Keywords: JD Live Stream, Liu Qiangdong AI, Record-Breaking Debut
Content: Liu Qiangdong, the founder and chairman of JD.com, recently made his live-streaming debut as “AI Digital Person Zhang Dong,” the e-commerce giant’s digital alter ego, joining the JD Supermarket and JD Home Appliances & Furniture live sales sessions. The highly anticipated live stream, which began at 6:18 p.m., attracted more than 20 million viewers within an hour and saw cumulative sales surpassing 50 million yuan.
During the live stream, Liu interacted deeply with consumers through AI digital person technology. He not only personally recommended a variety of best-selling products but also addressed questions from viewers about product selection and purchasing processes. This live stream was not only an innovative showcase of Liu’s personal image but also a bold experiment for JD.com in the realm of live e-commerce.
It is understood that JD.com’s AI digital person technology can simulate Liu’s appearance and voice with a high degree of realism, allowing him to communicate freely with viewers during the live stream. The application of this technology not only provides consumers with a more vivid and real shopping experience but also injects new vitality into the development of the e-commerce industry.
JD.com stated that the success of this live stream not only demonstrates the company’s strength in technological innovation but also reflects consumer recognition of Liu’s personal brand. In the future, JD.com plans to explore more diverse marketing strategies to offer consumers a more colorful shopping experience.
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