Title: “Jizhanshan Goldsmithing: A Brilliant Showcase on the Fingers”
Keywords: Jizhanshan Craft, Overseas Chinese Media, Traditional Art
HUANCHENG, Yuncheng, May 26, 2023 (Xinhua) — Representatives from overseas Chinese media from the United States, France, Sweden, Italy and other countries recently visited the Jizhan Traditional Goldsmithing and Copperware Research Center in Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province, to get a close look at the sparkling craftsmanship.
Jizhanshan goldsmithing, a treasure of Shanxi’s intangible cultural heritage with a history of over a thousand years, is renowned for its exquisite craftsmanship and beautiful shapes. It is a jewel in the crown of Chinese traditional arts. At the Jizhan Traditional Goldsmithing and Copperware Research Center, overseas Chinese media representatives witnessed firsthand how craftsmen use their finely honed skills to transform raw gold or silver into exquisite works of art through processes such as engraving, soldering, and polishing.
The craftsmen’s exquisite skills and profound cultural background left the overseas Chinese media representatives in awe. They expressed that Jizhanshan goldsmithing not only showcases the unique charm of Chinese culture but also serves as a bridge connecting overseas Chinese with their ancestral homeland. Through this visit, they gained a deeper understanding of the profound cultural heritage of Chinese culture and the inheritance and promotion of craftsmanship spirit.
The director of the Jizhan Traditional Goldsmithing and Copperware Research Center said that they will continue to inherit and innovate this traditional craft, making it known and appreciated by more people. They also hope to attract more young people to join the ranks of the traditional craft’s heritage, ensuring that this “fingerwork” is passed down from generation to generation.
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