中新网郑州5月26日电 (记者 韩章云)5月26日,河南部分地区的降雨仍在持续。当前正值“三夏”,该省小麦已进入收获季,这场始于25日的降雨,无疑打乱了部分地区的麦收节奏。气象部门预测,此轮降雨有利用缓解前期该省局地的干旱情况,对夏播较为有利,建议降雨时期,当地农民应密切关注天气变化,合理安排农事活动,确保夏粮丰收和夏播顺利进行。
Title: Heavy Rainfall in Henan State Benefits Early Summer Planting After Drought Relief
Keywords: Henan Rainfall, Favorable for Early Summer Planting, Relief from Drought
News Content:
Zhengzhou, May 26 (Xinhua) — Rainfall continued in parts of Henan Province on May 26, as the province enters the “Three Summers” period and its wheat harvest season. The downpour, which started on May 25, has disrupted the harvest schedule in some areas. The meteorological department predicts that this round of rain will help alleviate the local drought conditions that have prevailed in the province, and is beneficial for early summer planting.
According to meteorological monitoring, the heavy rainfall is concentrated in the eastern and southern parts of Henan, with some areas receiving moderate to heavy rain, and local areas experiencing thunderstorms. The rain is positive for alleviating the ongoing drought in the region, helping to retain soil moisture and providing favorable conditions for the upcoming early summer planting.
However, the continuous rain has also posed challenges for wheat harvesting and drying. For wheat that has been harvested, farmers need to take immediate measures to prevent it from becoming moldy or deteriorated due to moisture. Meanwhile, the rainy weather has affected mechanical operations and human activities in some areas, causing difficulties in wheat harvesting and transportation.
To cope with the adverse effects of the rain, local agricultural and meteorological departments advise farmers to closely monitor weather forecasts and arrange agricultural activities accordingly. During the breaks in the rain, they should seize the time to harvest and dry the wheat to ensure timely storage of grain. Meanwhile, for the upcoming early summer planting, adjustments to the planting plan should be made flexibly based on weather changes, and suitable times for sowing should be chosen to reduce the impact of the rain on crop growth.
In summary, while the heavy rainfall has presented challenges for the wheat harvesting in some parts of Henan, it has also provided favorable conditions for drought relief and early summer planting. Local governments and relevant departments should strengthen coordination and provide timely technical guidance and material support to help farmers effectively cope with adverse weather conditions and ensure the smooth progress of agricultural production.
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