Title: “Be Cautious of Foreign Espionage Agencies Luring and Reversing Our Experts and Scholars”
Keywords: Diplomatic Expansion, Academic Exchange, Safety Precaution
Content: As China’s comprehensive national strength continues to improve, international cooperation and exchanges become increasingly frequent, and the scope of work for experts and scholars extends globally. These experts and scholars bear the heavy responsibility of expanding research channels and seeking common development. They contribute their wisdom and efforts to the prosperity and development of the country through field investigations and research.
However, it is noteworthy that foreign espionage intelligence agencies keep a close eye on the overseas activities of these experts and scholars. They even resort to threats and intimidation, attempting to lure and reverse them in order to steal important information from our country. This behavior is an unreasonable infringement on national security and interests, which we must be vigilant against.
In response to this, relevant departments have strengthened the management of experts’ and scholars’ overseas activities to ensure their safety and the smooth progress of their research. At the same time, they remind all experts and scholars to enhance their safety awareness and guard against the misuse of personal information.
In summary, while we open up and cooperate, we must maintain a clear mind and protect our country’s core interests and security. We must ensure that experts and scholars can carry out their work in a safe environment, making greater contributions to the country’s prosperity and the peace and development of the world.
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