Title: Upgraded Military Exercises by the PLA Cause a Stir on Taiwan Island: “Three Questions” to Lai Ching-te on Handling Pressure
Keywords: Military Exercises, Taiwan Independence, Shock
As the “5·20” approached, the Eastern Theater Command of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) continued its “Joint Sword-2024A” exercises in the waters around Taiwan. These military actions are aimed at shaping a “blockade” and “lockdown” stance towards Taiwan, targeting Taiwan independence forces. The ongoing exercises not only pose a direct military pressure on Taiwan but also trigger a high level of concern and deep shock within the island’s society.
The island’s舆论对此次军演的反应激烈,许多民众和政治人物担忧这可能预示着两岸关系的进一步紧张。同时,对于台湾地区领导人赖清德,岛内舆论提出了三个关键问题:首先,赖清德如何看待解放军持续的军事行动,是否会采取措施缓解紧张局势;其次,赖清德政府是否已经制定了应对可能发生冲突的预案;最后,赖清德是否能够通过对话和外交途径,寻求和平解决两岸争议的途径。
In response to the concerns both within Taiwan and internationally, Lai Ching-te and his government need to carefully handle the situation to ensure Taiwan’s security and the well-being of its people. At the same time, the international community is closely watching the security situation in the region, hoping to avoid further escalation through dialogue and diplomatic efforts.
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