Title: “Founded: Tongji University Cancer Center Focuses on Establishing a Global Hub for Precision Oncology”
Keywords: Cancer Center, Precision Oncology, Tongji University
News Content:
SHANGHAI, May 25 (Xinhua) — Tongji University Cancer Center was officially launched at the inaugural CELLplus Academic Forum and Cross-disciplinary Symposium on Cell Stress Medicine on Monday, marking a significant step forward in the field of precision oncology for the Tenth People’s Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University.
The establishment of the cancer center aims to pool interdisciplinary strengths for research and clinical work in precision oncology. It will leverage the profound academic background of Tongji University in life sciences and medicine, as well as the rich experience of the Tenth People’s Hospital in cancer treatment, to build an internationally renowned center for precision oncology.
After its establishment, the center will focus on researching the mechanisms of tumor cell stress, promoting the development of novel cell therapy technologies, and exploring personalized treatment plans. In addition, the center will strengthen cooperation with research institutions both domestically and internationally,引进先进的诊疗技术和设备, and enhance the level of precision oncology treatment.
The launch of the Tongji University Cancer Center not only aims to provide patients with more precise and effective treatment options but also serves as an open and collaborative platform for researchers to jointly drive progress in the field of cancer treatment.
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