Title: “Rainfall Continues Across Much of China, Temperatures Rise in Southern Areas”
Keywords: Rainfall, Cooling, Heatwave
News Content:
【China Weather Network Report】This weekend, much of China has been hit by continuous rainfall, with temperatures in southern areas climbing to high levels, bringing about a feeling of humidity. According to the meteorological department, precipitation is forecast to occur across most of the country over the weekend, with some areas experiencing strong rain and associated severe convective weather.
As a result, temperatures in North China and other regions will continue to drop. It is expected that today, May 25, temperatures in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region will be significantly lower than the average for the same period last year. Meanwhile, as the rainfall diminishes in the south, temperatures will rise across most areas, and high temperatures may occur in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, presenting local residents with a scorching experience.
Meteorological experts remind that the rainfall and cooling weather will bring a cool breeze to northern regions, but also caution against the potential extreme weather phenomena such as thunderstorms and strong winds associated with severe convective weather. Southern areas should monitor the heatwave and take measures to prevent heatstroke and cooling, and try to avoid outdoor activities during the hottest times.
In addition, due to the ongoing rainfall, relevant departments should closely monitor the potential impacts of the weather on transportation and agriculture, and take timely measures to ensure the safety of the people’s lives and property. Meanwhile, when traveling, the public should check the weather forecast and arrange their trips accordingly to ensure safety.
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