中新社吉隆坡5月23日电 马来西亚内政部部长赛夫丁今日在月会后表示,近期该国发生的数起治安事件犯案模式并不相同,彼此为独立事件,不存在关联性。他强调,这些事件并非有组织连环犯罪,公众无需过度担忧。






Title: Malaysian Interior Minister: Incidents Not Linked to a Series of Crimes

Keywords: Independent Incidents, Public Security, Interior Minister

CPCL, May 23rd, 2023 – Malaysia’s Interior Minister, Datuk Seri Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman, stated at a monthly press conference today that the recent public security incidents in the country do not share a similar modus operandi, and are independent events without any linkage. He stressed that these incidents are not part of an organized series of crimes, and urged the public not to be overly concerned.

Syed Saddiq pointed out that the Ministry of Interior has been closely monitoring these incidents and has strengthened patrols and surveillance in the affected areas. He stated that the police are actively investigating these cases with the aim of quickly unraveling the truth and taking appropriate measures to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

He also mentioned that the Ministry of Interior will work closely with local governments and relevant departments to jointly enhance public security and ensure the safety of the public. At the same time, he called on the public to report any suspicious situations to the police in a timely manner to jointly maintain social security.

Despite this, Syed Saddiq reminded the public to remain vigilant, to safeguard personal and property safety, and to encourage everyone to obtain accurate information through official channels to avoid spreading unverified rumors.

The statement by the Malaysian Interior Ministry aims to dispel public doubts and emphasize that the government will take all necessary measures to ensure national security and stability. As the investigation progresses, it is believed that the police will be able to reveal the truth and restore social order.


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