





Title: “AgBioDiversity Journal Launches in Kunming, Focusing on Global Research into Agricultural Ecology”

Keywords: Inauguration, Biodiversity, Agricultural Research

Content: The international English-language journal “AgBioDiversity” held its inauguration ceremony in Kunming, Yunnan, marking a new milestone in the field of global agricultural biodiversity research. The journal is dedicated to publishing original research articles, reviews, opinions, and outlooks in the field, aiming to promote global research exchange and development through high-quality content.

On May 22, the International Day for Biological Diversity, the inauguration ceremony attracted a large number of experts, scholars, and government officials from both home and abroad. During the event, participants engaged in in-depth discussions on the conservation, utilization, and sustainable development of agricultural biodiversity, stressing its importance for global food security and ecological balance.

The inauguration of the AgBioDiversity journal not only provides researchers with a platform to showcase their latest research results but also offers reference and guidance to policymakers. The publication of the journal helps to enhance global awareness of agricultural biodiversity issues and promotes scientific cooperation and the conversion of research outcomes in the relevant fields.

In the future, AgBioDiversity will continue to focus on the latest developments in agricultural biodiversity, providing authoritative and comprehensive information services to global scholars and policymakers, and contributing to the protection of Earth’s biodiversity.


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