Title: “Hangzhou Discovers 5 Rare Species”
Keywords: New Species, Biodiversity, Hangzhou Survey
Hangzhou, May 22 (Bao Mengni) – Hangzhou released a white paper on the protection of biological diversity in Hangzhou on May 22. According to the document, from 2020 to 2023, Hangzhou completed a comprehensive baseline survey of biological diversity across the region, covering every grid and species. Combining the results from Tianmu Mountain and Qingliang Feng, the city announced the discovery and release of five new species: the Tianqi Trichoptilus, White-caped Chicken of the Woods, Semi-circular Poria, Tianzhong Mountain Bubble, and others.
It is understood that the survey used advanced technology and combined expert field investigations to comprehensively assess the biological diversity of Hangzhou. The results showed that the region is rich in biodiversity, including a large number of endemic species as well as the discovery of five new species not previously recorded. The discovery of these new species is of great significance for the study and conservation of the biological diversity in Hangzhou.
The discovery of the Tianqi Trichoptilus, White-caped Chicken of the Woods, Semi-circular Poria, and Tianzhong Mountain Bubble adds to the richness of the biological diversity database and provides new research subjects for scientific research. At the same time, it also reminds the public and social circles of the importance of paying attention to the protection of biological diversity and the need to take more effective measures to protect these precious natural resources.
The Hangzhou government stated that it will continue to increase its investment in the protection of biological diversity, strengthen cooperation with research institutions, and promote the in-depth development of biological diversity protection work, making a positive contribution to the protection of global ecological balance.
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