
【科技讯】全球领先的智能穿戴设备制造商Humane日前宣布,其备受瞩目的AI Pin智能穿戴设备发货时间将有所延迟。原定于3月份开始的发货计划,由于生产环节出现的小幅调整,将推迟至4月中旬。

Humane公司发言人Sam Sheffer在社交媒体上发布视频更新,向广大消费者解释了此次发货延迟的原因。他表示,尽管团队已经尽力确保产品的质量和性能,但在生产过程中还是遇到了一些预料之外的问题。这些问题需要额外的时间来妥善解决,以确保每一位客户都能收到满意的产品。


尽管发货时间有所推迟,Humane公司仍然对AI Pin的市场前景保持乐观。AI Pin集成了最新的AI技术,旨在为用户提供更加智能和个性化的穿戴体验。公司表示,他们将利用这段时间进一步优化产品,确保用户体验达到最佳水平。

Humane公司官方Discord频道也发布了相关通知,向关注AI Pin的社区成员提供了最新的发货信息。公司鼓励消费者保持关注,以便及时获取最新的产品动态。

随着4月中旬的临近,Humane公司正在紧锣密鼓地准备发货工作,以确保每一位预订AI Pin的消费者都能按时收到他们的产品。对于智能穿戴设备市场而言,Humane公司的这一举动无疑是一个积极的信号,表明了行业对产品质量和用户体验的重视。


Title: “Human AI Pin Delayed, April Shipments Confirmed”

Keywords: Shipping Delay, AI Wearable, Subscription Compensation


Title: Humane’s AI Pin Smart Wearable Delayed to Mid-April

[Tech News] Global leader in smart wearable devices, Humane, has announced that the shipping of its highly anticipated AI Pin smart wearable will be delayed. Originally scheduled to begin shipping in March, the plan has been pushed back to mid-April due to a minor adjustment in the production phase.

Sam Sheffer, the company’s spokesperson, posted a video update on social media to explain the reason for the shipping delay to the public. He stated that, despite the team’s efforts to ensure the quality and performance of the product, unexpected issues were encountered during production. These issues require additional time to be resolved properly to ensure that every customer receives a satisfactory product.

To express their apologies to consumers, Humane has provided three months of free subscription service to those who ordered before March 31, at a cost of $24 per month. This initiative is aimed at compensating customers for the extra wait time caused by the delayed shipping.

Although the shipping date has been postponed, Humane remains optimistic about the market prospects for the AI Pin. The AI Pin integrates the latest AI technology, aiming to provide users with a more intelligent and personalized wearable experience. The company stated that they will use this time to further optimize the product, ensuring the best user experience.

The Humane company’s official Discord channel also released a notification with the latest shipping information for the community members interested in the AI Pin. The company encouraged consumers to stay tuned to get the latest product updates in time.

As mid-April approaches, Humane is making final preparations for the shipments to ensure that every AI Pin reservation holder receives their product on time. This move by Humane is a positive signal for the smart wearable device market, indicating the industry’s emphasis on product quality and user experience.


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