#### 新一代人工智能平台 RapidCanvas 迎来资本注入,加速企业 AI 转型
据 BusinessWire 报道,面向企业打造的人工智能平台 RapidCanvas 近日宣布,已完成由 Accel 领投,Valley Capital Partners 参投的 750 万美元种子轮融资。这笔资金将主要用于产品的研发和市场拓展,以期帮助更多企业实现人工智能转型。
#### 无代码 AI 构建平台,降低技术门槛
RapidCanvas 提供的无代码 AI 构建平台,意味着企业无需编写代码,也能在几天时间内制作出人工智能解决方案原型,并在一个月内将解决方案部署到生产环境中。这一创新性的技术平台,大大降低了企业应用人工智能技术的门槛。
#### 加速企业 AI 转型,助力产业升级
在当前全球经济数字化转型的大背景下,人工智能技术的发展和应用已经成为企业提升竞争力、实现产业升级的重要手段。RapidCanvas 的出现,无疑为企业提供了一种更为高效、便捷的应用人工智能的方式。
#### Accel 领投,凸显投资信心
此次融资由知名风险投资公司 Accel 领投,也显示了资本市场对 RapidCanvas 平台及其团队的高度认可和信心。Accel 是一家全球领先的投资公司,曾投资过 Facebook、Dropbox 等知名企业。
#### 未来展望
随着种子轮融资的完成,RapidCanvas 预计将在未来一年内,进一步扩大产品功能,拓展市场渠道,帮助更多企业实现人工智能的快速应用和转型。
RapidCanvas 的无代码 AI 构建平台,为企业提供了一条更为便捷、高效的人工智能应用之路。随着种子轮融资的到位,RapidCanvas 的发展前景值得期待。
**Headline:** “RapidCanvas, Accelerator for Enterprise AI Transformation, Led by Accel”
**Keywords:** No-code AI, RapidCanvas, $7.5 million funding
**News Content:**
#### RapidCanvas Completes $7.5 Million Seed Round, Led by Accel, to Speed Up Enterprise AI Transformation
According to BusinessWire, RapidCanvas, a platform for enterprise artificial intelligence (AI) construction, has recently announced the completion of a $7.5 million seed round led by Accel with participation from Valley Capital Partners. The funds will primarily be used for product development and market expansion, aiming to assist more enterprises in their AI transformation journey.
#### No-code AI Platform Lowers Technical Barrier
RapidCanvas offers a no-code AI construction platform that enables enterprises to create AI solution prototypes within days without coding and deploy solutions to the production environment within a month. This innovative technology platform significantly reduces the threshold for enterprises to adopt AI technology.
#### Accelerating Enterprise AI Transformation and Boosting Industrial Upgrading
In the context of the current global economic digital transformation, the development and application of artificial intelligence technology have become crucial means for enterprises to enhance competitiveness and achieve industrial upgrading. The emergence of RapidCanvas undoubtedly provides enterprises with a more efficient and convenient way to apply AI technology.
#### Accel Lead Investment Highlights Confidence
This round of financing, led by the well-known venture capital company Accel, also demonstrates the market’s high recognition and confidence in RapidCanvas’s platform and team. Accel is a leading global investment company that has invested in well-known enterprises such as Facebook and Dropbox.
#### Future Outlook
With the completion of the seed round, RapidCanvas is expected to further expand product features and market channels within the next year, helping more enterprises achieve rapid AI application and transformation.
RapidCanvas’s no-code AI construction platform provides enterprises with a more convenient and efficient path to AI application. With the seed round of funding in place, the development prospects of RapidCanvas are promising.
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