Title: “Craftsman Spirit Shines: Du Huajun Named Most Beautiful Worker”
Keywords: Most Beautiful Worker, Du Huajun, Craftsman Spirit.
News Content: Title: Du Huajun from Jiangsu Named “Most Beautiful Worker”: dedicated research on craftsmanship allows an “iron ball” to bloom into a brilliant flower.
Recently, the Propaganda Department of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee and the Jiangsu Provincial Federation of Trade Unions awarded Du Huajun, the Assistant Director of the Department of Human Resources at Jiangsu Daming Industrial Technology Group, the title of “Jiangsu’s Most Beautiful Worker.” Du Huajun has interpreted the craftsman spirit through his actions, and his story deeply moved people.
“Being a skilled worker is like welding: with serious study and research, an iron ball can also bloom into a brilliant flower.” Du Huajun said with belief and determination, showing his profound understanding of the craftsman spirit.
Du Huajun works at Jiangsu Daming Industrial Technology Group, where he always dedicates himself to his work with a craftsman’s spirit. He knows well that only through continuous learning and practice can he improve his skill level. He has proven with his actions that as long as one is dedicated, one can create extraordinary achievements on an ordinary position.
His story inspired countless workers. He interprets the craftsman spirit through his own actions. His story tells us that no matter what work we do, as long as we do it with heart, we can do it well.
At the press conference sharing his advanced deeds, Du Huajun deeply moved the audience with his story. His story tells us that with determination and perseverance, one can create extraordinary achievements on an ordinary position.
The decision of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee and the Jiangsu Provincial Federation of Trade Unions is not only an affirmation of Du Huajun but also an encouragement to all workers. Let’s learn from Du Huajun’s spirit, do our work with heart, pursue excellence with a craftsman’s spirit, and let every “iron ball” bloom into a brilliant flower.
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