Title: New National Standard for Electric Bicycles Released: Safety Upgrade, Industry Reshuffle Imminent
Keywords: New national standard release, addressing safety concerns, management of electric bicycles.
News Content: As one of the essential means of transportation in our country, the safety and standardization of electric bicycles have always been widely concerned by all sectors of society. Recently, multiple departments, including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, jointly issued documents such as “Regulatory Conditions for the Electric Bicycle Industry,” “Administrative Measures for the Electric Bicycle Industry Announcement,” and “Safety Technical Specifications for Lithium-ion Batteries Used in Electric Bicycles,” aiming to strengthen the management of the electric bicycle industry and enhance the overall level of the industry.
The release of the new national standard has brought comprehensive impacts to the electric bicycle industry. The new national standard specifies detailed regulations on the size, weight, power, and safety aspects of electric bicycles, which will help improve the safety performance of electric bicycles and reduce the incidence of traffic accidents. Meanwhile, the implementation of the new national standard will also promote technological upgrading and industrial transformation in the electric bicycle industry, fostering healthy development of the industry.
In parallel, regions across the country are also launching comprehensive safety campaigns to address hidden dangers in electric bicycles. This campaign will cover multiple links including production, sales, and use, conducting thorough safety inspections and rectifications of electric bicycles to eliminate hidden dangers and ensure the safety of people’s lives and property.
The release of the new national standard and the initiation of the safety campaign signify that China’s electric bicycle industry is entering a new stage of development. It is believed that in the near future, China’s electric bicycle industry will become more standardized and safe, better serving the people.
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