【北京,2024年】在今日举行的2024百度Create AI开发者大会上,百度集团迎来了一项重大发布——新一代智能计算操作系统“万源”。百度集团执行副总裁、百度智能云事业群总裁沈抖亲自揭晓了这一创新成果,标志着百度在智能计算领域的又一里程碑。
万源的智能计算能力得到了百度自家一系列先进模型的强力支撑,包括业界瞩目的ERNIE 4.0以及3.5大语言模型。同时,万源还集成了ERNIE Speed/Lite/Tiny系列轻量模型,旨在为不同场景和应用提供更为精细化、高效化的解决方案。这些模型的集成,使得万源在处理大规模数据和复杂任务时展现出卓越的性能,进一步推动了AI技术在各行各业的广泛应用。
**News Title:** “Baidu Launches WanYuan: A Next-Generation Intelligent Computing Operating System, Pioneering the AI Compute Revolution”
**Keywords:** Baidu WanYuan, intelligent computing, ERNIE model
**News Content:**
**Beijing, 2024** – At the 2024 Baidu Create AI Developers Conference held today, Baidu Group made a significant announcement – the introduction of its new generation intelligent computing operating system, “WanYuan.” The groundbreaking revelation was made by Baidu’s Executive Vice President and President of the Baidu Intelligent Cloud Business Group, Shen Dou, signifying another milestone in Baidu’s journey in intelligent computing.
According to Shen Dou, WanYuan showcases unique ingenuity in its kernel design. Its core capability lies in pushing the limits of existing computational resources to their maximum efficiency, enabling flexible adaptation and optimization across various chip architectures. This groundbreaking technological advancement allows users to freely select chip combinations based on their actual needs for optimal computational performance and efficiency.
Powered by Baidu’s advanced suite of models, including the much-admired ERNIE 4.0 and the ERNIE 3.5 large language model, WanYuan also integrates the lightweight ERNIE Speed/Lite/Tiny series. These are designed to provide more refined and efficient solutions for diverse scenarios and applications. The integration of these models enables WanYuan to excel in handling large-scale data and complex tasks, further promoting the widespread adoption of AI technology across industries.
Baidu’s release of the WanYuan intelligent computing operating system demonstrates the company’s profound technical expertise in artificial intelligence and foreshadows a future where intelligent computing will be more agile and efficient. This innovative product is poised to set industry standards, offering a new computing experience to global developers and enterprises, and accelerating the落地 and proliferation of AI technology.
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