Title: “Meituan and Douyin Compete in AI Innovation: Introducing ‘Ask Xiaodai’ AI Assistant and Lifestyle Service Teams for a New Chapter in Food Delivery and Local Life Services”
Keywords: Meituan Douyin, AI assistant, lifestyle services
News Content:
Recently, two internet giants, Meituan and Douyin, have embarked on a new tech-driven rivalry in the local lifestyle services sector. Meituan has been quietly testing an AI assistant service for consumers called “Ask Xiaodai,” which aims to provide personalized外卖 recommendations and dining suggestions, akin to a smart shopping assistant on e-commerce platforms. Currently, “Ask Xiaodai” is in a limited testing phase on Meituan’s food delivery platform, with expectations that it will enhance user experience and cater to diverse consumer needs through AI technology.
In response, Douyin’s Lifestyle Services has not been idle, announcing the establishment of a dedicated AI team. This team’s focus is to leverage artificial intelligence to unlock the untapped potential in local lifestyle scenarios. They will be working on developing AI-powered products, including a platform that supports content creation for lifestyle services, thus bolstering Douyin’s competitiveness in this area. This move signals Douyin’s exploration of AI applications in local lifestyle services to drive business growth innovatively.
These strategic moves by the two titans indicate a deeper integration of AI technology in the lifestyle services sector, set to reshape user consumption patterns and the industry landscape. With Meituan’s “Ask Xiaodai” and Douyin’s Lifestyle Services AI team, a more intelligent and convenient era for local life services is on the horizon.
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