**马斯克公开珍贵历史瞬间:英伟达黄仁勋向 OpenAI 捐赠首台 DGX-1 AI 系统**

近日,科技巨头特斯拉和 SpaceX 的创始人埃隆·马斯克在其个人社交平台 X 上发布了一系列罕见照片,揭示了英伟达创始人兼 CEO 黄仁勋在2016年向 OpenAI 签名捐赠首台 DGX-1 人工智能系统的珍贵历史瞬间。这些照片生动地展现了黄仁勋与马斯克以及 OpenAI 团队的互动,体现了两家公司在人工智能领域早期的合作关系。

黄仁勋在捐赠的 DGX-1 系统上亲笔签名,寄语:“致埃隆和 OpenAI 团队!致计算和人类的未来。我为你们呈上全球首台 DGX-1!”这一举动不仅体现了黄仁勋对人工智能研究的前瞻视野,也彰显了他对 OpenAI 这一非营利组织致力于发展安全人工智能的坚定支持。

DGX-1 是英伟达推出的一款超级计算机,专为深度学习和人工智能计算设计,其强大的性能在当时被誉为AI研究的里程碑。此次捐赠无疑为 OpenAI 的研究工作提供了强大的硬件支持,加速了他们在人工智能领域的探索步伐。

这些照片的发布,不仅让公众得以一窥科技巨头之间的合作历史,也再次引发了对人工智能未来发展及其对社会影响的深入讨论。马斯克和 OpenAI 一直以来对人工智能的谨慎态度与积极研发并重,此次公开的历史瞬间再次强调了他们在推动技术进步的同时,对确保技术安全和伦理的重视。


**News Title:** “Musk Unveils Historic Moment: Jensen Huang Donates First DGX-1 AI Supercomputer to OpenAI in 2016”

**Keywords:** Musk, Jensen Huang, DGX-1 AI

**News Content:**

Recently, tech mogul Elon Musk, founder of Tesla and SpaceX, shared a series of rare photos on his social platform X, showcasing NVIDIA’s co-founder and CEO Jensen Huang’s signed donation of the first DGX-1 AI system to OpenAI in 2016. These images vividly depict Huang’s interaction with Musk and the OpenAI team, highlighting the early collaborative relationship between the two companies in the field of artificial intelligence.

Huang personally signed the donated DGX-1 with a message: “To Elon and the OpenAI team! For the future of computing and humanity. Here’s the world’s first DGX-1!” This gesture not only demonstrated Huang’s forward-thinking vision in AI research but also underscored his strong support for OpenAI, a non-profit organization dedicated to developing safe AI.

The DGX-1, a supercomputer introduced by NVIDIA, was specifically designed for deep learning and AI computing, then hailed as a milestone in AI research. This donation significantly bolstered OpenAI’s research capabilities, accelerating their progress in the AI domain.

By releasing these photos, the public gets a glimpse into the collaborative history between tech giants, reigniting discussions on the future development of AI and its societal implications. Musk and OpenAI have consistently balanced cautiousness with proactive research in AI, and this historic moment emphasizes their commitment to advancing technology while prioritizing safety and ethics.


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