News Title: “Guardians of the Beijiang Levee: Unceasing Patrols, a Shield against Floods in Tents”
Keywords: Beijiang Levee, Patrol Officers, Flood Prevention Work
News Content:
Title: Beijiang Levee: 24/7 Guardianship, Patrol Officers’ Flood-Fighting “Home”
On April 22, in Guangzhou, light rain swept across the Beijiang Levee, casting an atmosphere of tension and vigilance in the humid air. Teams of patrol officers, dressed in life jackets and wielding long poles, marched resolutely along the levee’s upstream and downstream slopes, periodically tapping the embankment to carefully inspect every inch, guarding against any potential dangers. Their figures have become an integral part of the riverside scenery and an unyielding defense line in Guangdong’s current flood prevention efforts.
These patrol officers, without fixed rest areas, have tents as their makeshift “homes.” Rain or shine, they maintain 24-hour continuous patrols, living alongside the levee and dedicating themselves to their duty. Their hard work safeguards the lives and property of millions of people living along the coast, while their vigilance serves as a solid backbone for Guangdong’s flood control operations.
Faced with the daunting task of flood prevention, the resilience and professionalism displayed by the patrol officers vividly illustrate humanity’s struggle against nature. Through their actions, they exemplify dedication, and their stories form the most touching chapters on the Beijiang Levee, becoming a collective memory of Guangdong’s people in their joint efforts against natural disasters. Under their watch, the Beijiang Levee stands firm, and the safety barrier remains as solid as a rock.
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